Letter to the Editor: Yoga/Qi Gong Meditation Practices Took Her Away From Christ

meditation practicesTo Lighthouse Trails:

After 1-2 years of practicing “chair yoga,” attempts at meditation (it didn’t work for me), and a Chinese practice called qi gong . . . I completely turned my back on ANY Christian ways I might have had! I quit Bible reading, study, most praying; my Christian life just disappeared. These two life views CANNOT be done together—either you’re a New Ager involved in stuff like this or a Christian; you cannot be both . . . I should know (having gone through this before). Recently, I disavowed my Yoga/qi gong practices and “went home” to be a sheep in HIS Pasture . . . My spirit is at peace again. Yoga/qi gong takes OVER your mind, body and spirit.


Related Articles:

“Why Millennials Are Ditching Religion for Witchcraft and Astrology”

“After Yoga, Meditation Breaks Into the Mainstream”

The Impact of Practical Mystics versus Cults

(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)

1 thought on “Letter to the Editor: Yoga/Qi Gong Meditation Practices Took Her Away From Christ

  1. On another note that makes me think of the many times I sat in church as the pastor tried to explain away the clear meaning of the Bible text and twist it into something totally different and even opposite. You see it all over the place. “Oh, well, you see, it doesn’t *really* mean that, it really means ______, because (insert phony excuse and switcheroo here), so it really says _______ and not ________, even though it looks like it says that, but it really doesn’t….. you see….. so….. yeah.” They are just telling you what they think you want to hear so don’t fall for it folks.

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