To Lighthouse Trails:
I’m a new student at __________College in ___________ Canada. The President of the College himself teaches the Spiritual Formation classes.
The Lord delivered me out of 30 years of spiritual seeking last year (where I tasted of and practiced just about every spirituality and philosophy and practice on the planet) and brought me to salvation. You can imagine my surprise, if not shock, when in class the spiritual exercises the prof was teaching seemed like nothing so much as repackaged New Age stuff. I bought Ray [Yungen’s] PDF A Time of Departing a few days ago from you. It completely confirms my impressions. My professor, also the president of the university, is such a gracious caring man . . . who knows his Bible cold – what a deception!
Could you send me Ray’s other book For Many Shall Come in My Name, the e-book version? [I] am right in the middle of a paper for this prof. I’m trying to line my ducks up in a row and state my case, as far as I can as a new Christian. I’m going to call for him to repent and need to be clear on what I’m saying. No idea how this will affect my academics, and will leave that in the Lord’s hands.
You might want to add ______________College to your [Contemplative Colleges] list.
Part of my testimony is that I was adopted into the family of the chief medicine man of the Lakota nation (my own natural father abandoned when I was 5) and intensively practiced aboriginal ceremony for 13 years. When the Lord saved me from the Pit, all hell broke loose – literally- as Satan clearly did not want to let me go. As I battled my way through each day for those first couple of months – this was back in early 2012 – one day I landed on your site and ordered Nanci [Des Gerlaise’s] book [Muddy Waters] from you. That book was a great comfort and really helped me get through.
Praise the Lord God! The victory is His! Amen!
I was raised Anglican in ________,[Canada] and was an altar boy in my youth for a number of years. I stayed at the rectory a lot and the priest was something like a father to me. He was a homosexual. The utter hypocrisy of everything I saw as a kid is what drove me from everything Christian when I left home at age 16. That’s the reason why I tried just about everything else on the planet – looking for God.
It’s amazing to see those spirits from the Anglican church of my youth now insinuated into what was once a Bible-believing ________ college. I think that’s why the Lord made it possible for me to go there, to see first hand what is happening.
No question about it in my mind – this is the great falling away happening before our eyes. I was also once a member of the Anthroposophical Society – an offshoot of the Theosophical society. The mystical Christ being preached more and more is the same as the anthroposophical Christ taught by Rudolf Steiner, a gnostic version of Christ.
Paul was serious when he said that those who teach and follow this other gospel, this other Christ, will be accursed.
What are the chances that the American headquarters for the Theosophical Society and Ruth Barton’s transforming center are located within a couple of miles from each other in Wheaton, Illinois?
In Christ,
Stephen (not real name)