Dear Lighthouse Trails:
We have been readers of your research site, Warren Smith’s, Ray Yungen’s, and Roger Oakland’s discernment books for many years and praise the Lord for their willingness to educate and expose evil.
Please add us to your growing list of the watchmen on the wall, called by some (most) in “churchianity” the “haters that divide.” Add us to the list of those who have left their churches/denominations because they were “black balled” for speaking the truth and providing biblical proof against heresy. The deception (emerging: ecumenical) has arrived and is now being promoted in the very small (and getting smaller) rural, Southern Baptist Convention (SBC: Slowly Becoming Catholic) church where we were members. 2 Timothy 3:4-5 surely does fit this church’s leadership!
While at first, after presenting him with the Truth of the Word, we couldn’t believe our ears when the “pastor” haughtily and proudly declared he would keep on with his heretical, cultic practices even after he was shown his error in Scripture! We might have well been talking to the wall.
We then realized he is blind to the Truth and that it was time to leave, “mark” him, the SBC, and turn away as are told to do in Romans 16:17-18.
We are sorry for [those teaching and promoting heresy]. They are so puffed up and proud in their error that they cannot see the Truth when it’s presented to them from the Word. We are sorry for those who remain, especially those who see the error being taught but are too afraid to stand up for the Truth and leave.
Thank you so much for continually sounding the alarm, exposing heresy, and planning on enduring until the end. We are truly thankful. Your website and authors have helped more people than you know stay on the “narrow path.”
T & C
A community in NW Oregon
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