Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I just received the latest edition of The Baptist Standard. It has been one of the leading state papers in Southern Baptist work. Though independent in production now, it has been closely associated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas through the years. The BGCT Executive Director’s article appears beneath the Standard editor’s article in each issue.
I have been increasingly concerned about the drift toward a more liberal position in the paper, but the articles on contemplative worship blew me away this week [see below]. There is nothing in Baptist tradition about contemplative worship. While churches in Virginia have certainly been pulling away from historical Baptist roots, I just wasn’t prepared for these patently false articles. The practice of contemplative worship has nothing to do with the priesthood of the believer. That is a lie.
“Contemplative worship: It’s not just a Catholic thing”
“Contemplative worship consistent with Baptist principles”
I have just recently found your site. Am trying to pass the word around. God bless.
C. _________
LTRP Note: In doing a little research at the Baptist Standard website, one can see that the publication has been posting pro-contemplative articles for sometime. Here is a sampling:
July 2012: On Taize worship
February 2011: On Catholicism and Phyllis Tickle
January 2011: On Thomas Merton and Spiritual Formation
July 2010: On Yoga
February 2009: On the labyrinth
December 2008: On Thomas Merton
February 2008: On Silence, Solitude, and Lectio Divina
June 2006: On the labyrinth
June 2005: On Richard Foster and Dallas Willard
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