Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I bought and gave the Be Still DVD to my last pastor prior to moving out of state. My husband and I had become horrified at the Beth Moore’s women’s gatherings that were being promoted at our church. I was already very familiar with Beth Moore’s stance on contemplative prayer. This gentleman, I’m sure, did not watch the entire DVD. Near the very end of it, it explains the urgent need to lower your breathing rate and get into an area of nothingness or something along those lines. That should be a giant red flag that this is not a way of praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not to mention Jesus Himself! Why else did the Lord teach his disciples to pray in a way that NEVER included breathing rates? Oy vey. If our current church heads in that direction, we will give the pastor we have now the same DVD. Talk about trash.
Information on the Be Still DVD:
Richard Foster and the Be Still DVD by Ray Yungen
Beth Moore Gives Thumbs Up to Be Still DVD