One Comment

  1. T. I. Miller

    Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, isn’t just a suggestion it’s a command.
    Our old fallen sinful nature cannot be transformed by emotionalism by mindless repeations.
    Never forget that Jesus is truth. Jesus is the only truth. Jesus is the only way to true salvation. Mindless meditation is what connects all false religions. All such practices lead to pantheism and the evil delusion of universal self salvation that excludes the absolute necessity of Christs atoning sacrifice on that cruel cross.
    Anything that even vaguely smells like, going beyond what is written, cannot be from God. All such writings and movements claim to spiritualy elevate you above biblical believers. Such delusions of spiritual grandeur will always lead you closer to the father of lies, the devil. Take the time to understand the severe warnings of this research. As Paul writes let those who teach a false gospel be accursed by God.

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