Letter to the Editor: “Christian” Professor Finds “Warm Welcome” at Wheaton College to Teach and Promote Critical Race Theory

LTRP Note: Because Wheaton College has been promoting and embracing both contemplative spirituality and emergent ideologies for many years (as Lighthouse Trails has documented), it makes perfect sense that they would now embrace the social justice, Marxist-influenced movement. They all go hand in hand (but most Christian leaders, colleges, and pastors have failed to recognize this).

Wheaton College

Dear Lighthouse Trails:

First, I wanted to thank you for your booklet, Critical Race Theory, as it is a great tool to reveal/expose the lies being promoted to unwitting evangelicals (young and old) in these days. Also, the booklet glossary S is for Social Justice is a great introduction to terms being used to propagate lies. Thank you also for your new release Color, Communism, and Common Sense as Manning Johnson’s story is a powerful example of how God can open up a precious man’s eyes, to the truth of the Bible and the Gospel, exposing the lies of the world/Satan.

Second, I wanted to let you know that a current Wheaton College professor is promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT). His name is Nathan Cartagena, assistant professor of philosophy at Wheaton College.

In an April 28, 2021 interview with Jim Wallis’ Sojourners Magazine, he spoke with Sojourner’s Magazine assistant news editor Mitchell Atencio, about his views andongoing relationship with Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Below are relevant quotes from the April 28, 2021 interview/”conversation” —
(for full interview see the following link: https://sojo.net/articles/why-nathan-cartagena-teaches-critical-race-theory-evangelicals)


Nathan Cartagena: When I was applying for positions to teach, I wanted to teach at smaller, Christian, liberal arts schools, because I see myself first as a churchman. I want to edify the church through distinctively Christian modes of pedagogy. I didn’t want to have to check my trinitarian theology at the door when I’m trying to do race scholarship or when I’m trying to do distinctive things in moral philosophy.

When I interviewed at Wheaton the very first time, my guest lecture was on an essay about critical race theory by Tommy J. Curry. I wanted to see: Is this a place that would welcome such reflection? I received a warm welcome from the students, my department, etc., so I thought “OK, this is a place where I can do this.” I taught a reading group my first year at Wheaton that involved one of the important texts in the critical race theory movement, Faces at the Bottom of the Well by Derrick Bell. The following year I asked if I could teach a half-semester class on critical race theory — I got a full thumbs up.

Did you notice what Nathan Cartagena had to say about interviewing at Wheaton College, regarding whether they welcomed his guest lecture on critical race theory? He said he “received a WARM WELCOME from the students, my department (philosophy), etc.”  

Then, he got a “thumbs up” to teach a half-semester class on critical race theory using an important text by Derrick Bell. Who is Derrick Bell (who died in 2011)? The African-American lawyer, professor, and activist, who helped develop Critical Race Theory (CRT).

May the Lord have mercy on Wheaton College students who take that class, and who are being influenced, and will be influenced by Professor Cartagena. May the Lord have mercy on Wheaton College for rolling out a “warm welcome” red carpet for their newest Associate Professor of Philosophy…

The Lord is faithful to open up deceived eyes to His truth and love,
L. Sharp

1 thought on “Letter to the Editor: “Christian” Professor Finds “Warm Welcome” at Wheaton College to Teach and Promote Critical Race Theory

  1. Sadly, Wheaton College like many other “so-called” Christian Schools that teach the Bible and mans Delusional opinion, which is the New Age Apostasy. College’s like some church Denominations have been infiltrated by unsaved teachers sent to them by Satan. Critical Race Theory is Government Sponsored Racism. It is Marxism. The Communist Karl Marx wanted all Communist takeover of countries to start Race wars in that country. He wanted violence and death. He wanted cities destroyed, burned to the ground. Like Antifa and BLM that helped destroy some American cities last year and are still a problem today. Karl Marx would then say rewrite the history books of that nation. Marxism hates Christianity. Dear Christians are we awake yet? Thank God some churches are helping to stop C.R.T. From getting into our schools. C.R.T. Is one of many lies Satanists have started. We live in dangerous days. We all need to read and study The Word of God and be Gospel minded. Also gather and pray, our most important weapon. God still does answer prayer.

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