Letters to the Editor: Christian Radio Stations Promoting Jesus Calling

Letter #1:

To Lighthouse Trails:

I just want to inform you that someone is advertising Jesus Calling on radio here.  The advertisement is directing people to JesusCalling.com.  This is very disappointing since it is on a Christian Talk Radio station (http://www.newstalk1400.us/), here in Michigan.  Also, Conservative Talk Radio Announcer Mike Gallagher (http://www.mikeonline.com/) is doing an ad for them as well.  In his ad, he talks about how he has kept a copy of Jesus Calling on his nightstand for years, even when he is out of town. He speaks very highly of the book and recommends listeners to get a copy or go to the website.

Click on this link:  http://www.jesuscalling.com/media/radio/

Because this radio station and Mike Gallagher are very popular, I believe many will buy Jesus Calling without knowing that the book doesn’t promote the TRUE Jesus of the Bible.


Letter #2:

Dear Lighthouse Trails:

Please warn your readers that Senior Fellow and lecturer Eric Metaxas of The King’s College NYC advertises “Jesus Calling” on his radio program.


Thank you.
