To Lighthouse Trails:
This is simply to let you know how encouraging it is to have discovered your ministry today. Some of the books you’ve published have certainly been very needed. I’m not an important person by any means. Yet, after having earned an MA in Theology at Fuller Seminary, and a PhD in Philosophy at _________ University, I discovered first-hand how corrupt “theology” and “Christian philosophy” have become. People still will not believe what I share with them about the content of several of my courses. As it happened, I was at _______University when Scott Hahn was there. Scott invited me to [lunch] and spoke with me at length. I was not persuaded by the reasons he gave for his notorious conversion to the Roman church. As well, I encountered “creation spirituality,” the “cosmic christ” of Mathew Fox, the evolutionary views of Teilhard de Chardin, feminist “spirituality,” and more notions and ideas than you’d care to hear about. I currently teach philosophy at a community college in _______. Part of my personal mission is to heal some of the damage that has been done to my students before they arrive in my classroom. I have one short semester to counteract the impact of relativism, postmodernism, etc. The notion of objective truth is astonishing to them, especially in the area of morality. A current colleague on campus is a Roman Catholic Teihardian disciple, and who subtly introduces [Chardin’s] ideas into her course planning. All of this is, again, simply to let you know how much I appreciate your ministry, and the efforts of those whose books you publish. Keep up the good work!
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