Dear Lighthouse Trails:
Thanks so much for your ministry; your newsletters have been very informative and a blessing to read. For the past three years, we have been involved in a church ministry in __________, Canada which includes outreach to the Native population. I have found that many in the mission are using or condoning Native shaman rituals in their meetings, such as drumming; using a talking/prayer stick; eagle feathers; participating in sharing circles; smudging; water ceremonies; prayer circles; healing circles, etc. Some have dream catchers in their homes and vehicles, and some have also attended the sweat lodge ceremonies in the Native community.
I found all this very disturbing and have shared with a few at length, but to no avail; hence the copies I have ordered of Muddy Waters in the hopeful prayer that they might accept Scriptural correction from the author, a Cree Woman, who speaks from personal experience.
Ralph (not real name)
Dear Ralph,
We share your concerns about these things. Nanci Des Gerlaise, the author of Muddy Waters, is the daughter and granddaughter of Native medicine men. Today, Nanci is a committed believer in Christ. Many of these practices you mention are being condoned and used today in many Christian circles. Below are a few articles that contain excerpts from Muddy Waters. Anyone is free to print these articles and share them with others.
Two Sources of Power But Only One Source of Truth
Dream Catchers—Those Popular Spidery “Sacred Hoops”
Can Cultures Be Redeemed? – Emerging Church Says “Yes” – Bible Says “No”
T. I. Miller
1 Kings 13 is a very hard stern lesson for everyone. God sent a prophet with detailed instructions. The good prophet obeyed God.
He didn’t allow himself to be deceived by the untrustworthy.
Yet he did allow himself to be led astray by fellow prophet, a deceitful prophet. Because he allowed himself to be deceived God slew him. Soberingly God did not slay the deceiver. From cover to cover countless bible stories of individuals and populations that allowed themselves to be led astray.
Yet they did not escape the consequences for allowing themselves to be deceived. Be noble to search the scriptures to verify anything said by anyone all the time everytime.