LTRP Note: On September 25th and 26th, an event took place in Washington, DC called The Return in which this letter to the editor below addresses. While sincere Christians undoubtedly long to see revival in America, many of us have deep concerns about false revival that will appear to be true revival. As believers in Christ, we need godly discernment more than ever in these days in which we live. In Warren B. Smith’s new book, The Titanic and Today’s Church, Smith warns:
Today’s church is being told to overlook denominational differences for the sake of . . . “revival”—that we must come together in “unity” for the purpose of . . . “great awakening.” However . . . spiritual deception and spiritual disaster arise when truth is sacrificed on the “altar of unity.”*
Dear Lighthouse Trails Editors:
“THE RETURN: A National and Global Day of Repentance”—not just a day of prayer but originated based on co-chair Jonathan Cahn’s book: “The Harbinger II: The Return.”
Having watched bits and pieces of “THE RETURN”: A National and Global Day of Repentance, (Sept.26), I was deeply concerned as I watched (via simulcast) those gathered at the National Mall in Washington D.C., to take part in this “sacred assembly.” This was advertised as for “all believers from all denominations and backgrounds.”
Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessup (Strageic Prayer Alliance) had “declared” this weekend as the “time” for the “Return” (see Mar.2020 advertisement video for the main reasons behind the choosing of the year and dates of “The Return”–
So, despite the large number of speakers, lots of excitement, and various calls to “repent” for “revival,” “awakening,” “declarations,” and “proclamations” that the kingdom of the Lord reigns in the land, calls to renew, what is supposedly our nation’s “covenant” with God (with no scriptural explanations or definitions of what any of those terms mean biblically), and lots of loud proclamations for revival, revival, revival . . . must have revival, not just political change…the mantra was “return” and “revival.”
Fri. Sept.25:
Jonathan Cahn (Co-chair of “THE RETURN”): “We’ve witnessed the darkest year. A year in which the world and specifically America has been shaken,” said in his opening address. “This is not a rally, it’s not a seminar, it’s a sacred assembly. This is an appointed gathering at an appointed place at an appointed time.”
Sat. Sept.26:
At 9:19 am (PST), Kevin Jessup (co-chair of “THE RETURN”, President of Global Strategic Alliance) said: “As the ship is turning, this “Kairos” moment has come. He (God) can bring revival to this land..”
At 9:21 am (PST), Jonathan Cahn (co-chair of “THE RETURN”) lifted up the paper with his so-called “Prophetic word” in his hand, and said: “As I lift up this proclamation of “The Return”, bring “Return” to America. Move upon this nation, until revival will touch this land…”
In the background you could hear Kevin Jessup praying loudly in an unintelligible language, standing next to Jonathan Cahn.
Jonathan Cahn said at one point: “This is the window of time for RETURN, AWAKENING, and REVIVAL . . . ” According to Cahn, there MUST BE REVIVAL (not defined theologicially, or explained), or the U.S. is doomed . . . Cahn exhorted the people to “lead revival in their homes, lead revival wherever they are”. . . He prayed: “lead your people into revival . . . ” RETURN and REVIVAL . . .
“The Return” and Jonathan Cahn’s book: “Harbinger II: The Return”
Jonathan Cahn said Sept.26, 2020 marked: 1) 400th Anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower (marking the days of America’s founding and dedication to God); 2) 19 year anniversary of Sept.11, 2001 Tragedy (significant because according to Cahn, 2020 is 19 years from the Sept.11, 2001 World Trade Center Tragedy. Why does that matter?)
According to Cahn’s Sept.10, 2020 video (see link:, Cahn says the 19 year span is significant because Israel apparently was invaded by Assyria in 605 B.C. But, greater calamities came in 586 B.C. This is a 19 year span. So, Cahn asks: when was the first “strike” for America? Sept.11, 2001. So, when is the 19 year mark/span for America? 2020. Cahn claims in that Sept.10, 2020 video (see link above) that for years after writing “The Harbinger” he was looking to 2020.
So, that is why Cahn says in that Sept.10, 2020 video:
I believe this Sept.2020 will be critical for America. So, I finally wrote the sequel to “The Harbinger” (Harbinger II:THE RETURN) . . . I knew it had to come out to warn America. It is Sept.10, 2020. If you are seeing this before Sept.26,2020 then buy the book (Harbinger II: THE RETURN). I have called for the “RETURN.” 2 Chron.7:14 The time is now. The future of America is at stake. So, I invite you to join me in this crucial undertaking during the month of Sept.2020. Also, beginning of the Feast of Trumpets and ending on the Day of Atonement (10 days of Awe–Sept.18-28). Sept.26 will be a prophetic and historic event. Come. Bring your church. If you can’t come in person, devote that day to “THE RETURN” in your homes, devote that day. I will have more prophetic messages to give you in this hour, as the Lord designates. Be strong. God bless you. Shalom.”
On their website (, co-chairs Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessup (President of Global Strategic Alliance) say the moment is dire and the hour late:
“We stand at a pivotal moment in American history and world history. A juncture, that can permanently seal our nation’s course and the course of world history, for bad or good, for calamity or redemption.” “The Return is for all believers who love the Lord from all denominations and backgrounds, black, white, Spanish, Asian, men, women, youth, children, Jew and Gentile, everyone.” “The movement begins now – then in September, we set forth ten days, known from ancient times as the Days of Awe, of September 18 to September 28, as a special time to intensify our prayers, intercession, repentance, and revival. It all begins on the Feast of Trumpets and concludes on the Day of Atonement, the Day of Return, on Saturday, September 26.” “In view of the moment before us, let us rise to that call, let us take God as His Word, let us do what He has called us to do, let us believe for great and mighty things, and let us each return and seek to live in revival and become messengers of revival – It is time to break up our fallow ground – It is time to seek the Lord as never before. The moment and chance we have before us now may never come again. It is time to return.”
“THE RETURN” this weekend (September 25th and 26th) was a dangerous event, in that it could have drawn in unsuspecting, sincere Christians, who may have watched/participated, and organized events in their cities, simultaneous with “THE RETURN.” There were probably many Christians who participated who do not know who Jonathan Cahn is. And, “THE RETURN” may have introduced them to, and drawn them into, following Jonathan Cahn. That is deeply troubling and concerning.
Below are links to 3 articles from The Berean Call where Jonathan Cahn’s books: “The Harbinger,” “The Mystery of the Shemitah”, etc., are discussed:
- The Harbinger–A Matter of Critical Discernment–(By Tom McMahon, TBC)
- 2012 article: The Harbinger: Revealing–or Concealing–America’s “Ancient Mystery”? Part 1 (By Mark Dinsmore, TBC)–
- 2012 article: The Harbinger: Revealing–or Concealing–America’s “Ancient Mystery”? Part 2 (By Mark Dinsmore, TBC)–
Standing in God’s grace,
*”altar of unity” quoted from Tamara Hartzell, In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity (Xlibris, 2007).
Related Reading:
Could someone tell me what NAR is ? Years ago someone at our church was loaning out the Harbinger book. I also could not read it. I heard Jonathan Cahn talking on Glenn Beck last week. As I listened, I kept saying to myself, where is he getting this , that he speaks of ? It sounds very , One world Religion to me. I’m amazed that Christian’s today don’t have more discernment than this. I have a lot of friends in the Charismatic movement. Hard core people. They will not listen to anything someone says against that denomination!
THE RETURN was really an NAR event. Prominent (false) apostles and prophets from this charismatic movement were there such as Cindy Jacobs, David Herzog and the promoter of heretics, Sid Roth. . . Cahn appears alongside NAR false prophets because he is one of their breed. This was one more step towards mainstreaming this counterfeit movement which has invaded evangelicalism and even the governments of America (NAR people are often in the White House via Paula White) and Australia (PM Scott Morrison was mentored by Apostle Brian Houston and speaks in NAR churches and events)
P.S. I am familiar with Galatians 1:6-9 and am in complete agreement with you about the warning in that passage.
I truly appreciate your concern, Grady. I am not a follower of Jonathan Cahn; I do not follow any of his teachings.
Have you read the book The Paradigm? In it he addresses the severe spiritual failings of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel in the OT and compares them (with direct examples) to the Clintons. This is something the Lord had shown me years before, when the Clintons were in power, when Bill was prez.
As I said, I could not read The Harbinger, nor have I read any of his other books. I am fully aware that Cahn is just a man. My trust is not in any man, only in the Lord Himself.
God Bless You! 🙂
I believe the Berean Call has pointed out Cahn’s Kabbalist mysticism.
This is an important thing you are pointing out. Thank you.
Jonathan Cahn’s biggest problem is his “alter of unity” among all of the denominations. Documentation of his numbers/statistics are not given in his books which means he did not prove what he was saying was the truth. This is bothersome. I do not see a Covenant with America that he tried to prove. I do see a pandemic going on now in the world that is fake. I do see lockdowns that are destroying the middle class. I do see the main steam media lying about almost everything. I see hatred about Christianity. I see a New World Order trying to take away our freedoms. As the Lord Jesus told us, The end of days will be like the days of Noah before the flood. Are you saved?
There are a multitude of things I can say about Jonathan Chan; let me just make one point now. One of the things that was true about true prophets of God in the Bible was their opposition to false prophets. If Jonathan Cahn calling America to repent wouldn’t a foundational part of his call to repentance involve calling the church to repent to avoid false teachers? But he appeared on the show of Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn (please pray for Hinn to truly repent) and other questionable people including those who have been involved with the NAR. Can you picture the prophet, Jeremiah going on Kenneth Copeland show and calling him brother? This is a joke. Yet, it’s not a joke because Jonathan Cahn has widespread popularity now. How can we take his call to repentance seriously when he works with false teachers?
There is something much deeper to Cahn’s agenda than has been addressed here. I understand neither Lighthouse Trails nor many of your subscribers want to look into these issues, but Cahn’s books are a Blueprint for the Masonic and kabbalistic NWO. If you know about these things, then you can easily spot the clues in all of Cahn’s books.
CW, I caution you to prayerfully read Gal 1: 6-9. Cahn is a false teacher who beguiles those who look to him for spiritual guidance
I tried to read The Harbinger (the original book) when it first came out, but couldn’t. However, several years later, I saw Jonathan Cahn on TV talking about his book The Paradigm, and knew I had to read it — because everything he was saying about it, was what the Lord had been speaking to me during my prayer time as I read through the Bible, for several years. (I did not buy the book but was able to check it out through a local library.)
The Paradigm was not like The Harbinger to me — it was truly a blessing to me. The Lord confirmed a number of things and also explained something to me which I had never understood about a serious life-changing event in my life years ago.
I watched the Prayer March event and also The Return. I honestly saw MUCH MORE call for prayer and repentance of sin during The Return than I did during the other event.
All of this is just my view and my experience, of course. My hope and trust is in the LORD alone, in His Word. I know I am 100% dependent on His Holy Spirit to lead me through every moment and every hour of every day. As He says in His Word — “It’s not by might, it’s not by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD.”
Thank you for posting this letter. I had read all the Berean Call articles years ago on this issue of Cahn and the false parallels he draws between America and Israel. This is perilous and beguiling deception to say the least and it is being led and dominated by the NAR/Dominionists who are leading fake christianity into the one world religion. The enemy cleverly uses the current events and the desire to see things “turn around”, in America to ensnare unsuspecting christians into this delusion.