Letter to the Editor: Concerns About Shalem Institute, Vineyard, and YWAM

LTRP Note: Just as we were about to post this letter to the editor, which in part talks about Vineyard churches, we received a phone call from a LT reader who warned us about a book written by Ken Wilson titled Mystically Wired: Exploring New Realms In Prayer. Co-incidentally, according to the back of the book, Ken Wilson, is a senior pastor for a Vineyard church and a member of the national board for Vineyard churches. As the title indicates, his book, Mystically Wired, is advocating contemplative mystical prayer.

Dear Lighthouse Trails Editors:
I have followed your blog for over a year now, and I’ve ordered some of your booklets on Contemplative Prayer and Lectio Divina to pass on to others. I felt compelled to write you a short e-mail about your recent posts on Shalem-Trained “Christian” leaders/teachers. I have always admired your tenacity in speaking out for the truth and exposing these sham belief systems. First off, I was literally dumbfounded when I clicked the link to the Shalem Institute . . . right there on the front page is a depiction of a labyrinth, and then there was the advertisement for a speaker who is a Universalist and Unitarian!!? And Christians think that sitting at the feet of these teachers from the Shalem Institute is ok?
All I can say is I am more convinced than ever that we are in the end times. I am praying for our spiritual state.
Also, I wanted to mention that my son who is now ___ years old attended YWAM in _______ for 4 years and was a leader there. He is not the same man who left prior to joining YWAM. I do know he read books by Merton and thus was exposed to this evil. I am terribly grieved at how his beliefs have changed to be more universalist than Christian. He and his wife attend a Vineyard Church in __________ that teaches you don’t have to be a Christian to be a “follower of Jesus.” How inexplicably sad!
But thank you for all you do, and don’t give up sounding the alarm! I will pray for your continued blessing by God the Father and may the peace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, be with you.