Letter to the Editor: Crushed and Heartbroken in Learning That Our Church Is Calvinist

LTRJ Note: As many of our readers know, Lighthouse Trails began warning about the dangers of Calvinist teachings a few years ago when we released Bob Kirkland’s book, Calvinism: None Dare Call It Heresy. Needless to say, the book and our other warnings set off a firestorm of criticism and anger by defenders of Calvinism. But in the midst of that firestorm, something else emerged—the stories of those who have been victims of Calvinism and have now found their way out of it. The following letter to the editor is one of many we have received. It illustrates the heart-rending struggle that occurs when a couple comes to understand the beliefs behind Calvinism and that their church is a Calvinist church.

As Calvinism becomes more and more prevalent within Christian colleges and seminaries, stories like the one below will become more and more common.

Dear Lighthouse Trails:

Just finished your book, Calvinism: None Dare Call It Heresy. By accident (or providence!), I called a former elder and his wife to find where they were at and found out they had left the church. Upon asking why,  they told me the new pastor, of which I and my husband are still under, was bringing  Calvinism into the church. We had noticed that the associate pastor (a Calvinist) was speaking on Sunday nights a couple summers ago about a “too strict” sovereign God. I wondered then at the messages, not knowing quite what I was trying to figure out; his wife later asked me if I believed in Election? I told her no. (By this point, I had already been reading Dave Hunt’s book, TULIP and the Bible).

I’m amazed and shocked that people who claim to be faithful Bible-believing Christians could believe what has made me deeply saddened and heartsick after reading Dave’s and your books. I have also listened to messages by former Calvinists online. We have listened to Dave Hunt online as well. 

Thank you for bringing this to light. My former church in ______________ had Dave Hunt speak to us several times a year several years ago. He taught us and warned us about deception and to be Bereans.

My husband went and talked with the pastor only to be told that he (the pastor) can’t ignore the Scriptures that he sees supporting Calvinistic thinking.* My husband said, “If you continue down this road, we can’t go with you.” He (and now I) will be meeting again with the pastor possibly this week. My husband is one of the worship leaders of this church  and wants to give a two-weeks notice of leave. I lead one of the women’s Bible studies. We are crushed and heart broken. We have already refuted the pastor’s teaching just two weeks ago while in Zoom Bible study. We can’t remain quiet, and yet we are still babes in the Calvinism arena. With the reading, however, we are much more able to see the heresy.

Thanks again and blessings on your work in warning the church. Please pray for us. You may share this to help the unsuspecting.

Mike and Shannan (pen names)

*LT note: It would be well to note that pastors who embrace Calvinism often do so because they feel they can’t ignore Scriptures that appear to support Calvinism. However, in doing so, they have to alter or ignore the bulk of Scripture that refutes Calvinism.


One Woman’s Journey Into Calvinism by Brenda Nickel

Does Calvinism’s “Perseverance” Really Offer Eternal Security? The Answer: No! by Bob Kirkland

“What if I Am Predestinated for Hell?” by Harry Ironside

A Biblical Perspective on Salvation Vs. Calvinism by LT Editors

A Potter Looks at Romans 9 by David Dombrowski

Letter to the Editor: A Painful Journey Out of Bondage

(photo by bigstockphoto.com; used with permission; design by Lighthouse Trails)

13 thoughts on “Letter to the Editor: Crushed and Heartbroken in Learning That Our Church Is Calvinist

  1. Aaron commented: “Calvinism isn’t heresy. Calvinism doesn’t deny of the core doctrines of the Christian faith,,,”

    No, but what it does is redefine and qualify the core doctrines of the Christian faith until they no longer resemble the plain, commonsense teachings of the Bible. That’s what makes it heresy.

  2. Calvinism isn’t heresy. Calvinism doesn’t deny of the core doctrines of the Christian faith, and there have been many Calvinists over the years who have done great for Christ including Charles Spurgeon and Jonathan Edwards. I’m an Arminian, and have serious issues with Calvinism.

  3. It is very simple. One is elected when one is called; one who is called, is also justified per Rom 8:30. However, there were certain believers in Galatia who were also called (Greek word kaleo) but by Paul’s own testimony in Gal 1:6 – these called believers were deserting Christ and turning to follow another gospel. The word “called” in both passages is the same word “kaleo” which demonstrates that one can be called and justified yet by ones own actions (turning to another gospel), disqualify oneself from election.

  4. I’m having a hard time locating the app……I have installed Play Store but no ACN Radio. Please advise.
    Thanks so much

  5. It is mostly impossible to locate any Bible teacher of truth as most pastors and teachers are apostate, including Calvinistic. I have been severely persecuted by many Calvinists, including those who tried to bind me to pornography and others lied to me and drove me out of a church for not accepting the Critical Cace Theory of Marxism or the BLM movement.

    If you desire to hear an excellent Bible teacher, I recommend Dr. John G. Mitchell. He was one of the original founders of Multnomah Bible College in Portland, Oregon. There was a time when Multnomah was rightly referred to as a Bible college under Dr. John G. Mitchell. He had the entire New Testament memorized and much of the old because he loved the inerrant Word. You can listen to him at 4:30 pm, Mountain Standard Time, weekdays with Dr. Mitchell by downloading the “ACN Radio” app for free through Play Store. You can adjust to your time zone. And you can listen to him at 12:35 pm Mountain Standard Time, weekdays; and 6:35 pm on Saturday at KCCS online Christian radio.

    He loved the Bible entirely and not this wicked, styling world.

    You can also read my book “Apostasy in the Church” at my listed website or Val Lee Writings through a Google search.

  6. Yep. And when we are born-again, we receive the whole person of the Holy Spirit, not a fetus that grows. Our knowledge of God grows. People can’t think anymore.

  7. Calvinism: the father of darkness’ counterfeit cultlike answer to born-again Christianity. Keep on speaking out against this evil; many people take note. Speaking out against darkness is never in vain.

  8. The best way to talk to a Calvinist is to first Study your Bible. Read it, pray for Gods help, study it and learn it so you know what your talking about. Calvinism is a one-sided theology. It means Calvinists cherry-pick verses out of context to make a point that is not what all the Bible is really saying. A couple examples: There TULIP. Calvinists call it Total Depravity of man that teaches the Total Inability of man to choose truth. The word of God teaches that God created man with the ability to reason, choose and receive Truth. Read (Isaiah 1:18) (Deuteronomy 30:19) (Joshua 24:15) (Psalm: 30, 111,173) ( John 1:12) (2 Thessalonians 2:13) ( Luke 7:50)( Ephesians 2:8). One more. Limited Atonement. Calvinists teach Christ died only for the elect. Really? Read (Isaiah 53:6) (1 Timothy (4:10 ) (1John 2:2) ( Hebrews 2:9) ( Matthew 23:37) ( John 5:39-40 ) ( Acts 7:51) and ( Proverbs 29:1) to name a few. Let your Bible to the talking! Have a Merry Christmas. Our Lord Jesus Christ was born to go to the Cross and pay for our sins. What a Savior!!!!!!!!

  9. A sold study on the truth about divine election can discovered in the book Chosen to Serve: Why Divine Election is to Service, not Eternal Life by Shawn Lazar.

  10. God is not willing that any should perish. If you accept Jesus as your Savior you are of the elect. Very simple.

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