Letter to the Editor: Discouraged and Confused—Why Won’t Pastors Be Honest About Their “New” Spirituality Intentions?

Dear Lighthouse Trails:

I have been an enthusiastic reader of your information and newsletter that are sent to me. I have ordered some of your books, and I always look forward to your e-mails.  Thank you for your diligent work and God bless you and your staff.

However, sometimes I am discouraged and confused.  If the “new spirituality, soul care, contemplative prayer” are a gauge  of what is happening, it seems like it is blossoming in leaps and bounds in the world.  But what concerns me is that, often one would be able to attend our church and hear a magnificent, passionate sermon, and many of the sermons that are preached, are such, that they  just couldn’t get any better.  But, then we hear of someone like Ruth Haley Barton’s series of Bible studies being held at the church, small group meetings teaching the attendees how to pray,  etc.  Occasionally, we hear of names of authors whose writings seem questionable, being mentioned in sermons, and there is little mention of the return of Christ any more.  And the word “sin” is hardly ever mentioned.  The church does a lot of good things for suffering people in various parts of the world, and I sincerely believe that many of the people attending have never even heard of this, new spirituality so one would have to be careful of what one would say.  So unless I am speaking to my own family, I say nothing.

Bible On PulpitWhat I truly wish is that if the pastor/pastors are striving to guide the church in the direction  of the new spirituality, that he/they would come out and tell us and be honest about their intentions.  I sincerely think that they should be more truthful,  but possibly they would fear division in the church.  And so it goes on—a slow trend to the new!!

I don ‘t attend the church anymore, but I am very concerned for my children and grandchildren.  I tell them what I sincerely think is happening and after hearing it several times, I think that young people believe that we “old folks” are of another generation, and that they now know a new and better way.  Am I alone in my thoughts?

Weary on the journey,

Ruth Johnson (not real name)