LTRJ Note: We are posting this letter to the editor, not as a criticism of all Calvary Chapel churches, but to express our deep concern that an increasing number of Calvary Chapels are turning to Calvinism, something their founder would be totally opposed to.
Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I am currently visiting a Calvary Chapel church. I was alarmed on one of my visits to see on their information table a book called The New City Catechism: 52 Questions and Answers for Our Hearts and Minds. I am under the impression that this is sourced to Calvinist theology [LTRP note: This is true.]
When I visited the church again today, I looked for the book, The New City Catechism, but it wasn’t on the table this time. So I inquired, and they offered me one at no charge; no charge for anyone. They commented what a great book it was for new believers and as for a devotional. I kept my thoughts to myself and thanked them.
So I came home and read it—with dismay. I did not realize that Tim Keller along with The Gospel Coalition were the publishers. Both big red flags. So I pulled from my shelves the many books I have, from you, and others, to refresh me. So disturbing.
Then I read through the book; it is a quick read.
Some questions were glaring, if you are looking for it.
Answer: “God chooses and preserves for Himself a community elected for eternal life.” (bold mine)
Answer: “No, only those who are elected by God and united to Christ by faith. Nevertheless God in his mercy demonstrates common grace even to those who are not elect, by restraining the effects of sin and enabling works of culture for human well-being.”
Now what in the world does that mean???
QUESTION 44: What is baptism:
Answer: “Baptism is the washing with water in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit; it signifies and seals our adoption into Christ, our cleansing from sin, and our commitment to belong to the Lord and to his church”
NOTHING about mode of baptism or being born again, etc. As you know, most Calvinists believe in infant baptism.
The introduction states the catechism is based on The Westminster Catechism (i.e., Calvinism). I also found the instructions very disturbing; they want you to memorize every question and memorize every answer. But they mention nothing about memorizing the Word of God itself!
This particular Calvary Chapel is a fairly new church plant. And it was mentioned yesterday that the pastor is the second pastor – and sent from the main church. I have lots of problems with the main church but was hoping for better things. I think I might be hoping in vain. But I really like the people, and they do seem so sincere for the Lord. But you can also be sincerely deceived.
There is almost no choice: stay home or go where there is false teaching. And speak up? Until they don’t want you around anymore? Or maybe they will hear the concerns?
Related Articles:
Letter to the Editor: Calvary Chapel, Calvinism (And Created to Choose and Reason)
Letter to the Editor: Concerned About Lighthouse Trails Upcoming Book Challenging Calvinism
Thinking of Calvinism, how did the winter of the Roman State Church end and the Word of God spread? What was preserved within the state of darkness for so many years? Why was there a desire for a light to come out of this darkness? Did God move the people out of darkness of the church/state to a greater liberty? Did God appeal to the believer’s conscience? Did not some answer this call?
Ronald Butts
Ron B. here. Thanks for publishing my comment. Two things I should clarify. The YouTube channel I referenced is: “Underground Publishing” and the anti-Calvinist videos I mentioned are by the host, Aaron Matthew Fochtman. The channel name is misspelled perhaps my fault! It came across as Underground Publish. Secondly, I want you all to know that I do not endorse everything on Aaron’s YouTube channel, (as with many sincere YouTube channels). Blessings in Jesus Name. Maranatha!
Matt Valencia, you have to really read into John 3:8 to make it say that we don’t choose God but He chooses us. Because it doesn’t say that. It just talks about the Spirit working in unseen, invisible ways. Because He is Spirit, not a physical body. You are demonstrating Calvinism’s error from the beginning: they read what they want into verses to make it fit their theological views, even when it contradicts what the Bible clearly, plainly teaches.
“Choose this day whom you will serve…” (Joshua 24:15)
As in a post above, Dave Hunt’s book, “What Love is This?” is an excellent and well researched book on how Calvinisn misrepresents and twists scripture to present another (false) gospel. I know how people feel when they’re in that type of church and know the doctrine isn’t right and yet the people there are sincere (but deceived).
I guess if you’re a Calvinist sharing the gospel with someone you have to be sure to tell them if they’re not one of the elect, they going to hell as they (according to Calvinism) unable to respond to the gospel. It’s a man-made system that’s blinding millions.
Ron B.
I would like to direct readers to the YouTube channel “Underground Publish” Aaron Fochtman is the host there. He has 5 videos on the error of Calvinism. Now here’s the Grace of God; When I was saved, I was a Lutheran. Saved at 30 reading the Bible. I never could figure out after all those years in Lutheranism, I never felt led to repent and trust in Jesus. I was in the fold. Like the Church at Sardis, we had a name. So, I never had thought of myself as a Calvinist. Calvinism was never mentioned, however, when I learned from Fochtman that it was Luther’s Heidelberg Treatise that influenced Calvin! This document has all these false twisted statements about free will and God’s foreknowledge of the elect. So now I realize that I was not hearing Truth but man’s wisdom. I am glad you are facing this heresy face on at Lighthouse Trails. Most of the mainstream denominations have always used Calvinism; Their congregants are not hearing the Gospel or they have a confused view on how God saves by faith, then you are justified and regenerated, or born again. I once went to a Presbyterian church (not a liberal one) and everything sounded good until they said next week was infant baptism Sunday. They do not even understand the basics because of vain philosophies. Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
Robert Trohon
Friends, brothers and sisters. I just posted a commentary on Calvinism vs Non-Calvinism, I am a member of the Calvary Chapel association of churches, founded by our wonderful leader Chuck Smith, who went to Heaven in 2013.
I just want to make it clear that I am in no way associated with the Calvary Global Network (CGN) (led by Brian Brodersen), who is also the lead pastor of Calvary Chapel, Costa mesa, CA, and he is not part of the Calvary Chapel Association. It is the CGN that has split from the original Calvary Chapels and it is the CGN that is not denying Calvinism, and may in fact be promoting it (sadly).
May our great and good Father God, and Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit continue to lead us in His truth and love.
Pastor Robert Trohon
Calvary Chapel Association
Matt valencia
Never forget one Sunday morning at CCCM When Chuck Smith was pastor, right before Chuck came out pastor Romaine walked up to the pulpit and said “I am a Christian because God chose me, I did not choose Him” I will always remember that, and Its taught in the Bible.
John 3:8 The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
Robert Trohon
Calvinism’s errors are easy to understand. And God’s sovereignty and man’s free will working together to bring salvation to us are also easy to understand (read Dave Hunt’s book: What Love Is This?).
We are born with a certain amount of faith (Romans 1 and 2). Man’s free will has the choice to pursue more of that faith and truth or reject it for darkness and lies.
God bases His decision to save us on His sovereign choice to choose those He foresees (foreknowledge) as believing in Him. This does not relinquish God’s sovereignty in any way. It’s the way He has set-it-up, according to His right to design life and the way to salvation as He sees fit.
I can only be elected (chosen)to salvation if I figuratively raise my hand and say I believe the Gospel, or in the OT, I believe in God and desire to follow Him.
That’s how it works brothers and sisters. We have a God of LOVE….not some foolish made-up condemning God of Calvinism.
1Timothy 2:3b-4a (NKJV)…God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved…
2 Peter 3:9 (NKJV) The Lord …is … not willing that any should perish…
Given these two verses, it is very clear that God wants everyone in Heaven, and no one in Hell. Therefore, God gives man a choice: to reject the faith he is born with or seek God. This puts man’s salvation clearly upon man’s shoulders and therefore we cannot blame God for anyone doomed to Hell.
Pastor Robert Trohon (Calvary Chapel Association), not of…
John J
Yaddy Stanley, control is but one tiny part of the Calvinist/Reformed manmade movement. Those deceivers (I call them that because their gospel is false, one of darkness, and really no Gospel at all as per Galatians 1:8) deserve zero recognition but to be prayed for.
Otherwise, have nothing to do with them as light and darkness do not and can’t mix.
Yaddy Stanley
I left the reformed church, for all the above reasons, I read their articles and art 28 says that unless you are a member of the reformed church, you are lost….and besides infant baptism etc….it was too much for me.
Dave Dombrowski has a great booklet available about exposing some false teaching of Romans 9. We have them available at our church for free. Here is a link below. BTW we used to be a Calvary Chapel but our pastor ditched them when Brian Broderson embraced so much nonsense. This really helped me and I would recommend buying some to hand out at your church. Hopefully it helps the pastor too!
Part 3- Salvation: we say on one hand that we believe that Salvation depends on God’s sovereign choice without reference to anything man does and yet, believe it is human choice for which man is totally responsible. The difficulty is in our minds. The truth lies in both extremes , not in any logic that attempts to reconcile them. This is truth that transcends our minds. After all, God understands many things that are beyond us. A similar case could be made for Divine Persons in the Godhead. Three “Personas” who are co-equal, co-eternal and co-substantial, yet One Lord, is truth far beyond our minds, but it is true and shows that God is transcendent beyond our greatest thought.
Part 3- Salvation: we say on one hand that we believe that Salvation depends on God’s sovereign choice without reference to anything man does and yet, believe it is human choice for which man is totally responsible. The difficulty is in our minds. The truth lies in both extremes , not in any logic that attempts to reconcile them. This is truth that transcends our minds. After all, God understands many things that are beyond us. A similar case could be made for Divine Persons in the Godhead. Three “Personas” who are co-equal, co-eternal and co-substantial, yet One Lord, is truth far beyond our minds, but it is true and shows that God is transcendent beyond our greatest thought. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God said my ways are not your ways. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Trust His Holy Word.
I’m a Calvary chapel pastor and want to assure you that not all Calvary’s are going this direction and I would estimate the majority are holding the course that was set by Ps Chuck many years ago.
Part 2- Gods sovereign choice: God also holds man accountable for his unbelief. Read (John 15:22-25) will a righteous God hold man accountable for unbelief when he is not capable of belief? I believe that man is given the option to accept or reject Christ. God understands many things that are beyond us. There are many verses that prove that the Gospel is for the whosoever without limitation (John 3:16, Revelation 22:17, Romans 3:22, John 16:8, Second Thessalonians 2:10-12, First John 2:2) the greatest error that is linked to radical election teaching is that the suffering of Christ on the Cross have limited value. The Doctrine of Limited Atonement is a denial of the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross . He gave Himself…He offered and sacrificed Himself. Read (Ephesians 5:2) who would dare to limit the value of such a Sacrifice???? God Bless our Savior!!!
Dear Calvinists, every genuine believer has at some time in his life attempted to reconcile God’s Sovereign choice with man’s responsibility. I believe in God’s sovereign electing choice and I believe in human choice. God is sovereign in his counsels , will and choice. He does not make a sovereign decree that is in anyway dependent on human choice. If this were true, He would not be God, but would be a dependent creature such as we are ( Romans 9:20) Election is God’s sovereign choice ( Ephesians 1:4) should never be weakened to say that God fore knew who would believe and on the basis of His Foreknowledge chose them. This is a wrong interpretation of ( 1st Peter 1:2) that robs God of His sovereign will. Election and predestination are distinct and different. Election has to do with persons (Ephesians 1:3, Titus 1:1), predestination has to do with purpose, that is , what God predetermined for those who are saved, for example, that they will be conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29-30) The election of God is never for condemnation or punishment . Pharaoh hardened his own heart many times before God hardened it (Romans 9:14-18) Does the above teaching not mean that God determines who will be saved and man has no choice in it? No, it does not. (Isaiah 53:6) this means that every man is a moral creature with a choice. God holds man accountable for his choice to sin. God’s will did not override man’s will in the fall. To be continued soon. I pray.
I think this is the same booklet they passed out to the kids at our Evangelical Free church, which turned Calvinist several years ago. We tried speaking up to the elders but found out they are all Calvinists too. When we realized that the pastor wouldn’t tolerate different views on predestination, we knew we had to leave. We have since started meeting with one other family in our home to read the Bible together. I would rather do this than to support a church that spreads such an unbiblical theology. I can’t be a part of that. The only good thing is that it led me to research this issue deeply and to start a blog against it: The more people that speak out against it the better, because it is spreading aggressively in the church. But hardly anyone notices or even realizes what Calvinism is. Tragic!
This is why the Home Church movement, much like the Home School Movement, is getting more popular by the day!