1. Jay and Michelle

    Dear William,

    I feel your pain on a deep level. I went through something similar several years ago. I was a heavy duty New Ager for most of my life and was delivered out of it by God’s amazing Grace about 13 years ago. However, a few years after my deliverance, I met and married the love of my life who was a Christian woman, but she was not as committed as she used to be. We started fighting and I went back to my New Age stuff to cope. She followed me there and we were happy for a few years until the Lord started getting my attention on several fronts. I went back to following Jesus, but unfortunately my wife did not. I was so broken by how I did not lead her faithfully during the early period of our marriage. I repeatedly cried out to God in repentance for my failure to both God, and to her. One day while praying, the Lord spoke to me, “just love her”. I faithfully followed this admonition, prayed fervently, and gently spoke to her when I had opportunity about Christian topics. By His grace, mercy and power, my beautiful wife came back fully to the Lord , and we together destroyed all our New Age stuff. It’s been several years now and we have deeply committed to jointly following Jesus, and God has deeply blessed our life and marriage. So dear brother, please consider your part all in this, and cry out from the depths of your heart and soul for his forgiveness, guidance, and direction. We pray for you and your wife. With God, all things are possible.

    In Christ,
    Jay and Michelle

  2. Alicia

    I am currently in a “similar”, but a completely different situation. My husband is not a born-again believer but calls himself a Christian. He has claimed the name as one might just say, “Well, I think I’ll be Buddist,” or “I think I’ll be a Hindu.” I have shared many passages from the Bible about being born-again, what that means, etc. over the years (we’ve been married for 26 years and I was born again about fourteen years ago). He becomes very angry and accuses me of being judgemental. A long time ago, God highlighted the passage in 1 Peter 3:1:
    Wives, in the same way, submit yourselves to your husbands, so that even if they refuse to believe the word, they will be won over without words by the behavior of their wives. So, right now, I live my life openly and pray for him, for the veil to be removed so he can “see” the truth. I have shared the truth with him, but it is God who must open his eyes. I’ve heard so many testimonies of people who came out of New Age, false doctrine, etc., and many have said later that they found out that there was someone who was in the “prayer closet” doing warfare (praying) for them all the time. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
    Keep praying for your wife!

  3. Rita Broden

    Hello “William”!

    It is, indeed, a lonely path. Stay in God’s word. HE will never lead you astray. What you read there you can believe and never have to second guess. God’s adversary can disguise himself as a angel of light and has been doing so more and more as Christ’s return draws even closer. That’s how so many in the church have already been deceived. My prayer for you is strength to stand and deeper faith that will not doubt or question what God’s word says. Always remember that God’s word is TRUTH. If your wife would read only God’s word I know that His truth will find her. So, my prayer for her is that she will be drawn to God’s word by the holy spirit. Whatever you do, William, do not give up. You may be lonely now, but there is coming a day when we will dwell with Jesus and our family members will be numerous!! Loneliness will vanish for all eternity. Try to view that path of loneliness as part of the battle you are enduring on this earth. It hurts now, but the day that is coming for those who remain faithful is worth the trials and tribulations here upon this earth!! I know the lonely path you are walking. Keep telling yourself that Jesus is worth it. Don’t give up on your wife. I am sure I won’t be the only one praying for both of you!!

  4. Hello “William” and others,

    I am so sorry to hear of the difficulties that you have been facing William. I have some audio messages that may be of help to you and the others who have written on this blog thread (Links below). I have spoken to numerous Christians who have been seriously harmed by Yoga, and I have even been laughed at by several Christian pastors who told me they see no problem with integrating Yoga into one’s Christian faith. However, when I spoke at a Christian pastors conference in the jungle in South India, several pastors cried in sadness when I told them that many Christians in the West practice “Yoga” for exercise. These men fled from the demons of Yoga to come to Christ, and they stood there in tears and unbelief when they heard about “Christian Yoga” in America and the U.K. Below are some audio messages that may be of help, along with one of our newer websites about the Dangers of Yoga and Meditation. William, may our Lord Jesus guide and strengthen you by His Word and by His Holy Spirit, and may you continue to be gentle and kind to your wife as you pray for her salvation and her freedom from the forces of darkness behind Yoga, its occult philosophy and practices, and its evangelists/gurus/yogis.

    —Chris at SRN


    Website: Dangers of Yoga and Meditation:

  5. Barbara Siron

    So blessed to read these sweet communications of the testimonies between dear Brothers and Sisters! In Jesus’ precious Name I pray for you all as you continue in His love to do all you can with His great mercies to bring loved ones in and encouragement for all.

  6. William (not real name)

    Hi Jamie,
    I know the difficult road you are on. I’ve tried all of the same things you’ve done with your aunt in likewise fashion with my Hindu family and my wife. Prayer is all I have left. This year, 2021, will be a transition year. Please keep in mind what year we are in and what the UN plan is for Agenda 21 that will culminate in 2030.
    Like you, I’ve been reading a lot of booklets, journals and books from LT. LT has become my primary source for everything related to the Body of Jesus Christ.

  7. William (not real name)

    I know exactly how that feels. When I was saved by Jesus Christ, my wife would argue with me because I sought the Word of God diligently as I still do to this day. It took a lot of patience on my part and with the help of Jesus Christ she started to see a little bit clearer. It’s still a battle with darkness as she still chases after yoga. I’ve read and watched “Out of India” by Caryl Matriciana and tried to have my wife read the book to no avail.
    I’m very happy to hear that you and your wife are now walking on the same narrow way to Life.
    May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family.

  8. William (not real name)

    Hi Nikki,
    Thank you for your encouraging words. I do continue to pray for her and everyone, even those who are lost, around the world in these trying times.
    I’m very happy to hear that God saved you at the right time so you and all those who accept His Son, Jesus Christ, will one day be seated at the marriage supper of the Lamb. It will be a glorious day.

  9. jamie

    I have a aunt in her 80’s who has started practicing yoga. I sent her articles from LHT and a book by Caryl Matrishiana. She didn’t believe the article and I got no reply on the book. Recently she sent me a quote by Thomas Merton, going on about what a man of God he was. She has set in a Mennonite church her whole life. All I can do is pray. Grievous that pastors do not teach about these things. Thank you LHT’s, I have devoured your website, why can’t others see.

  10. Michael G Cieply

    To William (not real name) When I claimed Jesus as my savior, my RC wife was puzzled and upset as I tried to get her to move her toward the Truth. My church friends advised me to stop pushing her in order to minimize further damage to her and our marriage; and to love her according to the Word, and to pray for her, allowing God to do His work. I followed their advice, and . . . long story short, she was saved . . . 9 years later, and gloriously so!

  11. Nikki

    Hi “William”, about 6 years ago my husband was graciously brought from conspiracy theories to the truth. He would tell me about it and tell me about scripture and even though I was a proclaimed Christian I was hostile to the truth!! He was still pretty new in returning to his faith and I don’t know if he was praying for me, but about a year or so later God opened my eyes. I can’t remember exactly how it happened but I had a real desire to learn the word and my heart was transformed , as was my mind…. and I still can’t get enough. I was proud and full of idolatry and God in His great timing and mercy drew me to himself. Continue in prayer, be patient And ask God to bear fruit in you as you endure and walk the narrow path. Keep fighting the fight!!

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