LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails has received many emails over the past few years about the “praying in color,” which has become extremely popular within Christianity. This prompted us to publish a booklet by Lois Putnam on the subject. While coloring is not wrong in itself, the “praying in color” movement is a disguised vehicle for contemplative prayer (not really all that disguised either). Beware, our enemy comes as an angel of light and his ministers as ministers of righteousness.
Dear Lighthouse Trails,
A friend of mine texted me to ask if I had heard of “praying in color.” She included the following website: Immediately, I knew that this was not of God. I perused the website and was not surprised that this is rooted and grounded in Hinduism, Catholicism, visualization, and mysticism. Apparently, one of the leaders at my friend’s church is introducing this to the congregation. My friend knew something wasn’t right or biblical about this. The leader explained to the congregation that she had gone to a seminar on “praying in color” and was so taken in by it that she is inviting a “praying in color” coach to do a seminar at her church. This is not the first time that this leader has introduced false teaching to the congregation (i.e. Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life).
I explained to my friend that this is certainly not in line with the Bible. I can only pray that she and others will take a stand and resist this demonic activity from coming into their church.
Just reading the bios of Sybil MacBeth and her husband, you are immediately aware that they are into mysticism, etc. On the back cover of the 2nd book listed in my e-mail, she has a quote from Phyllis Tickle.
Just a brief sample of what is on the website, it states the following:
1) Welcome to a New Way to Pray in Color?
Why Pray in Color?
2) You want to pray but words escape you. 2) Sitting still and staying focused in prayer are a challenge. 3) Your body wants to be part of your prayer. 4) You want to just hang out with God but don’t know how. 5) Listening to God feels like an impossible task . 6) Your mind wanders and your body complains. 7) You want a visual, concrete way to pray. 8) You Need a new way to pray.ant a visual, concrete way to pray.
3) According to the website, you can pray in color or black and white.
4) In her book Pray and Color: A Color Book and Guide to Prayer, you can read the following: “Try coloring as a bridge to an island of inner quiet and prayer. Since 2007, thousands have enjoyed learning a new prayer practice called Praying in Color from Sybil MacBeth. This new coloring book and guide allows anyone to quiet the mind and pray while creating something visual and inspired. Slowing down isn’t easy in our culture where stimulation and constant virtual connection are the norm. If you find the transition from busyness to stillness difficult, follow Sybil to a slower, more contemplative pace through coloring as prayer and as spiritual practice. Includes an introduction and guide to fourteen types of prayer, along with 32 pages to color.”
5) In another book, Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God, you can read the following: “Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God by Sybil MacBeth introduces the active, visual prayer practice the author calls “praying in color.” The book provides a little bit of memoir and theology and a lot of how-to. Step-by step instructions in Chapter 3 introduce “praying in color” as a way to do intercessory prayer. Additional chapters explain how the practice can be applied to learning Scripture, keeping Advent and Lent, practicing lectio divina, and praying in other ways.”
Thomas Merton and Tony Jones are listed in endnotes.
You can go to Amazon to peruse a chapter or two: (if you can’t click on link, just copy and paste in your browser.)
—In Chapter 3, she quotes from Mary Eddy Baker . . . talks about a children’s prayer that her mother would pray over her from Baker. In this prayer, Baker starts the prayer off by saying, “Father-Mother God.”
My heart breaks to know that so many professing Christians are deceived and cannot recognize Satan masquerading as an angel of light. Even more devastating, she has a book for children.
I know this is a long email, but I wanted to be able to give you a thorough overview of these books. Hopefully, you can warn other Christians.
In Christ,
S _______