1. F. Suby

    I have been in ministry for over 30 years and have gotten to know many Young Life Leaders and volunteers. Most of them are deeply faith-filled, committed Christians who truly care about young people and sharing the Gospel message of God’s love and grace. They are not perfect, but which ministry is? I see many of them making huge sacrifices to do what they do, so I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt. I have seen the partnership they have with our church ministering to kids with special needs. I also know many adults in our church who can trace their first experience of Jesus through Young Life. I do believe that God is working in this ministry and so I’m going to continue to support them and pray for the good work that they do.

  2. rhonda

    Can y’all tell me what is wrong with contemplative prayer and writers such as Henri Nouwen, Chris Lowney, etc.? I can hear what you say, but there is no explanation of WHY you are anti-this or that.

  3. Jackie

    Also, I am definitely anti-New Age as in Sarah Young’s Jesus is Calling. i sure hope they are not giving her books out to the new converts. Thanks again for sharing.

  4. Jackie

    Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I have been searching for reviews as I wondered if there were any others that felt as I do. I am not feeling led to be a part of YL even though my church supports them. My kids are of age but have my reservations about allowing them to go when invited by church friends to any club nights, etc. I did hear about the watered down gospel being presented as well as secular music being played. It doesn’t make sense to teach my kids that we are not to conform to this world, yet go have fun with YL learning the secular songs. The money involved is c

  5. Dee

    Wow! My church is inviting a YL leader to be the guest speaker at a program next month. I just thought to investigate his background, and I found this web page. Thanks to the lady for following the conviction of the Holy Spirit and leaving this organization, and thanks to her for enlightening me and others. Thank you for posting the story. We live in perilous times, indeed. The Lord help us. Amen.

  6. Mark Ahrens

    Thank you for giving words to my experience with being on staff with Young Life. After being on for a year, I had to resign because of the very same reasons written here. Thank you

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