Dear Friends at Lighthouse Trails,
Thank you so much for your ministry! I could tell you stories that would seem utterly unbelievable to most, but they have happened to me!
My girlfriend and I meet every week for coffee and always choose a book for study when we meet. I have a [relative] who is married to a former pastor of Saddleback Church (Now he pastor’s in [another state] but is still associated with Saddleback). Please pray for her and her husband that God deliver them from falsehood!
After hearing some things about the Daniel Plan and having had reservations previously about Rick Warren, my friend and I decided to read Roger Oakland’s book Faith Undone. Praise God! He specifically led us to that book!!
We read it because we wanted to to better understand what was going on at Saddleback, because I dearly love my [relative]! The Lord prepared my heart that I might become aware of “contemplative teachings” coming into my son’s church via an up and coming young pastor, but that is a long story that I would like to share sometime with you at length.
After having become aware of what my son was being led in to, to make a very long story short, my friend and other’s began to pray that the Lord bring my son and family out of that church. The Lord answered! Several months later, “all of a sudden” (by the grace of God and His answering our prayers), they left and are now attending the church we attend!
Roger Oakland, and the rest of you, “God bless you abundantly for making us acutely aware” of these demonic teachings!! My heart grieves every day by this fall into apostasy the church is taking.
Anyway, I first wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart before giving you some vital information of which folks need to be aware which is the following:
Many years ago, my husband and I received a flyer for “Barnabas Family Ministries,” a Christian family camp in British Columbia. The flyer was enclosed in a “Focus on the Family” magazine. We decided to go. It is an absolutely gorgeous spot and the fellowship there was wonderful, but I do remember being somewhat disappointed that there seemed to be more focus on having teachers that often promoted so-called Christian physchology than the Word of God.
Anyway, we have continued over the years to receive their flyers. This year I was sorely disappointed and grieved when I read the title for an upcoming spring retreat that was held between February 27-March 1 of this year, titled “Contemplative Prayer”! I have not but will soon be writing them a serious, but loving, letter asking to be taken off their mailing list. If there is anyway you can get this information out, it would be greatly appreciated. May our wonderfully faithful God have mercy upon, and cleanse, His Bride!!! I still have the pamphlet adverstising the camps if you are interested.
Thank you again for all that you do!! The Lord has used you powerfully in my life, and He has faithfully answered many prayers that have been prayed because He warned me through your ministry and others!! May God bless and keep you in His loving care, and may He grant to each one of us a boldness to speak the Truth in love and gentleness always!
Your Sister in Christ
LTRP Note: We would like to note that Barnabas Family Ministries is also hosting a retreat this summer (July 19th-24th 2015), which will be led by Mark and Cheryl Buchanan. According to the Barnabas website, Cheryl is a Spiritual Director (a contemplative mentor) with a Masters in the Art of Spiritual Formation) from Carey Theological College. It is quite apparent that Barnabas Family Ministries has decided to introduce contemplative spirituality into the lives of their retreat attenders. More and more Christian retreat and conference centers are incorporating contemplative prayer (i.e., spiritual formation) into their programs. Here’s one article we wrote about this in 2013: “Sending Your Child or Teen to Camp This Summer? – Be Careful – Many are Promoting Contemplative Spirituality.”
Also read:
“Got Your Spiritual Director Yet?” Should Be – Got Your Interspiritual Mystic Yet . . .