Letter to the Editor: “I Received a Reiki Treatment Without Being Told it Was Happening!

Kundalini MeditationTo Lighthouse Trails:

I am writing to inform you of a deeply worrying experience I had.

After having chiropractic treatment for years, I decided to give osteopathy a try, as it seemed to be more gentle on the body. But at the end of the treatment, something strange happened. The practitioner held my head for about seven minutes or so. Up until this point, I figured it was all part of the therapy. But then I became concerned. I couldn’t work out what he was doing, as he was not massaging my neck nor did he seem to be applying any pressure. Then I heard him taking several deep breaths.

I am a Christian who has deeply researched into how New Age philosophy and occult practices are entering theology and the churches. I know about the dangers of meditation, yoga, spiritual formation, contemplative prayer, etc. But this threw me. Yes, I could have spoken up, but I had been taken by surprise and was somewhat confused. I just wasn’t sure what was going on. Then I began to pray to God for protection if anything weird was happening. Soon after this, he stopped.

My treatment had ended. When I got up, I felt incredibly relaxed, as if I was somehow medicated and floating. It felt wonderful. But I knew something wasn’t right. I asked him what he had done, and he was very evasive. Then I told him that I have studied into the New Age and want nothing to do with it or its healing practices. He mumbled that he was not interested in the New Age but that he could help heal my insomnia by applying traditional relaxation techniques to balance my energy centres.

When I walked out of his office, I noticed a small picture on the wall of his reception. It was the drawing of a person in the yoga position showing the seven chakras.

I told him I wouldn’t be back. I knew he had performed some kind of psychic healing on me, but it wasn’t until the bus ride home that it hit me – it must have been Reiki!

Clearly, this osteopath conducts this occult healing practice on all his patients without asking them or telling them. And I wonder how many others in the medical profession (modern or traditional) are secretly doing the same thing. I was furious. However, it has made me much wiser and more prepared in the future should this ever happen again.

But my deep concern is this. I have been a Christian for 31 years, but it is only in the last five years that I have learned about New Age concepts and how Christians are, in many cases, being unwittingly seduced by them. Christians who have had no experience [or understanding] with the New Age (such as myself, until fairly recently) are the most vulnerable, as it is, for them unchartered territory and not recognised for what it is. Had I had this experience prior to learning about the dangers of New Age spirituality saturating the Western World, I am sure I would have kept returning to this osteopath, thinking he was indeed helping me.

I don’t think osteopathy is the problem, rather it is practitioners, such as the one I had, who want to add new methods to their “science”, quite possibly in their genuine search to provide “better” healing.

Sometime back, I had read on your website about how Reiki is being introduced to patients in hospitals. Nevertheless, when it happened to me it took me completely by surprise.

I thank God for your ministry of discernment. I am now writing a letter warning this osteopath about the source and dangers of his psychic healing techniques. Maybe God can use my experience as a witness to him. I may even send him your website link.

Zoe from Sydney, Australia (name used with permission)

Related Information:
Markell/Yungen Interview – 2 Million Reiki Channellers in the US Alone! – Millions of Americans Affected

Energy Healing: Reiki, and Therapeutic Touch – Entertaining Devils Unaware

Letter to the Editor from a Registered Nurse: 2 Concerns – Reiki and the Healing Codes

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