To Lighthouse Trails:
Thanks for sending the link to your notice about Warren Smith’s new book on the Jesus Calling devotional. The first time I saw it was when a Christian woman who had been helping my mother once a week brought it in to read to her. The woman was so enamored by it that I paused from what I was doing to listen as she read it. Immediately I felt a check in my spirit the same way I did the first time I looked at the Prayer of Jabez and the Purpose Driven Life. What especially troubled me was the way the author assumes what Jesus would say, think or feel about something. It reminded me of the book Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue by [New Ager] Neale Donald Walsch.
After looking through Jesus Calling, I did some research online but found only one article about it. Neale Walsch “received” his conversations similarly to the way Sarah Young “received” her messages from “Jesus.” That, of course, is very disturbing.
I clicked on your link “Letter to the Editor: Concerned that His Church is not testing all Things When it Comes to Jesus Calling.” I believe that the two basic reasons as to why the Church is not more discerning is: 1) the lack of personal Bible reading. Devotional reading has become the replacement for actually reading the Bible (from cover to cover).
And 2) A lack of obedience to the Word. If we are deeply in the Word itself on a regular basis than we have a standard by which to measure everything. And if we are responding in obedience to what we’re reading than we have a heart that can hear the Holy Spirit’s teachings, warnings and convictions. This lack of Bible reading and obedience to the Word that is so prevalent in the Church today is why Believers are falling away in droves. I am truly amazed by the lack of knowledge, discernment, obedience and courage in the Church today. But when people turn away from the Word of God and from the Holy Spirit, there’s no where to go but down. Truth raises us up, the lie causes us to fall. Just ask Adam.
Thanks again,
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