Good morning:
About two weeks ago, I received my monthly copy of IN TOUCH magazine. Lately the magazine has seemed “off” to me, but when I read the article on L’arche — even knowing nothing about them at that time — I literally said out loud (to no one as I was home alone) “Are you kidding me??” . . .
I had decided to write to Dr. Stanley when I received the monthly Lighthouse Trails [e-newsletter] and was shocked and amazed to see you had written about this very story in IT! So thank you for confirming to me what the Spirit of God had already revealed. I am so thankful for your site. I have not “liked” Rick Warren for years but never knew why until I came upon Lighthouse Trails when looking for information on Calvary Chapel which I still attend here on the east coast. (So far, contemplative has not reached the CC’s I know of in the lower New York area.)
The world grows darker day-by day — we desperately need Watchmen on the Wall! Stay strong and stand firm in the Truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace to you,