1. Charlene T. L.

    I had heard about BSF and was excited to join. Well after one class, life got very busy (full-time job which my family needed, plus a husband and young child at home plus dealing with exhaustion from an autoimmune disease). I wasn’t able to attend, and I wasn’t able to attend online. I had thought that I could reach out to the leader with prayer requests and initially she was kind and responsive. Well lo and behold this morning she called and said that her leader had told her that since I was no longer attending BSF in person or online she could not even meet up with me in person for any sort of fellowship/as sisters in Christ (I had wanted to just meet up for coffee to chat with a fellow sister in Christ)! I was appalled. I tried to give the benefit of the doubt bc she said I was no longer “under the protective covering” of BSF’s leadership. I told my husband, and he said it honestly sounded cult like. He knows the Word quite well, and he said it sounded unBiblical. I have to agree! The Word says we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and Jesus Christ is the Head and our Head. I don’t understand why a “BSF rule” would be that leaders cannot associate with non-members if the members stop being able to come to the meetings. I truly did intend to go back, but life is just insanely busy! Now I feel, particularly after reading this and other websites stating why people have left BSF, that God was protecting me. A final note: why does BSF need a CEO? If it’s just people coming together to study God’s Word, why is a CEO needed ? At that point, it becomes a business.

  2. Reyes

    Thanks very much for this article.
    I have a group of friends/sisters in Christ, five of us, the four of them have attended BSF for many years, I met them three years ago and they have been inviting me to sign up, I tried to attend last year 2021/2022 but just did a couple of days, I found the questions too shallow. This year I decided to give it a try again… The thing about shallow questions still there, but I thought I will do it for the fellowship.
    This last Tuesday we had fellowship lunch after the lesson; during our lunch Catholicism subject came out, I explained that Catholicism is paganism; immediately they reject my comment and told me that is being judgmental. So in the afternoon I sent a video from Mike Gendron (ex catholic) to our text group; immediately my group leader called me and told me “sharing that kind of info is not acceptable because the subject can hurt catholics attending BSF or they might have catholic family members.” I politely asked her “don’t you think that info might help catholics see the light of the Gospel or help them how to reach their catholic family members with the true Gospel? Her only response was “it’s not acceptable, please don’t do it again”. I politely said goodbye. I’m not ever going back to BSF; they are promoting ecumenism.

  3. Amber

    I am so saddened by the departure from God’s word. I started in 2009 and homiletics + Biblical truths laid the foundation for studding the Bible for my now adult children.
    Where do you suggest someone go from here? I really cannot recommend BSF anymore.
    I have only participated in Bible centered studies and there just does not seem to be many these days. I also enjoy teaching in the school program because of the study I under go to prepare the lesson. Is it enough/possible to reform a local group? I many people are being misled to the progressive church mentality. I feel like is a sinking ship. Abandon ship or drive the lifeboat?

  4. Dear Grateful to learn the truth:
    Thank you for your comments regarding the BSF founder. Can you provide the chapter and subheading and perhaps the beginning of the paragraph to which you are referring (on your page 244)? Each edition and even printing of the book may have different page numbers. On our edition, we cannot find that on page 244.

  5. Grateful to learn the truth

    I was startled to learn when I just read tonight the founder of BSF Audrey Wetherell Johnson’s autobiography (this is the woman many may feel was above reproach and not responsible in any way for the trend toward ecumenicalism) on page 244 of her autobiography it is in her own words and quite clear to me that she intended to encourage ecumenicalism and she herself states that.
    I was a part of BSF for quite a few years and a Children’s Leader but resigned when I finally understood this errancy and repented of participation in it. Unfortunately, when you leave the orbit of one cult or similiar you tend to find yourself caught up in a similiar, and I went directly into the Know Your Bible Women’s group which I have only just found out, was also founded by Amy Wetherell-Johnson along with another woman but this fact is not widely known. I had begun once more to feel very disconsolate with the teachings and as I brought my concerns to the Lord in prayer, the Scripture in 2 Corinthians 6:17 “Come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you” rang loud in my heart. Then I began to ask questions and research until I found tonight..the connection with Wetherell-Johnson association with both non-denominational organisations. Just prior to leaving BSF, I read deeply troubling works published on the BSF website which were encouraged and written by the then CEO Susie Rowan set off alarm bells and were very disturbing references to ecumenicalism. What spoke to my heart primarily was that I was required to sit in a group with women I did not know and pray with them. This is dangerous territory, spiritually. When I did discover who they were and what they believed I recognised the errancy of this organisation. It is against the truth of Scripture which has to be the bottom line if we believe that Jesus Christ himself is the Word of God. My prayer is that many who love Jesus would wake up to these deceptions quickly and be aroused from any wool that has been pulled over their eyes, blindness. Also, men are simply not to be taught by women for their own protection. The Apostle Paul warned all men and women God has given His Word to the Church to protect from the grave errors that can be spread through misinformation: weeds are the result, not
    God-fearing men and women when lies are sown. Paul’s words are God’s words and there is no error when He wrote these truths for our edification. In the letter to Timothy Paul warn’s every one who will come after him in 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 
    That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” 
    If we want to stay right with God we must keep his Word there is no going away from this without the risk of losing our relationship with God. Jesus tells us that if we love him we will keep his Word, and promises to live…

  6. Malachi

    I have seen several people in BSF drawn away from commitment to the local church because they prefer BSF.
    I wonder how BSF serves the church in these cases.

  7. Lori

    Yes! I’ve been seeing a lot of racism and politics in my group, in some of the questions, notes, and a few members answers. I’ve been made to feel I have to be a Republican and Trump supporter if I am a true Christian. My heart is broken over this move in BSF. I grieve daily.

  8. Patty

    I am so grateful for this thread. After my BSF group discussion tonight I wanted to cry. I was frustrated and disappointed. I came to BSF because I don’t know much about the Bible and want to learn about God who I want to be in relationship with but don’t know very well. Like someone said earlier if I want to talk about feelings I would see a therapist. I think learning doctrine is more important.

  9. Trish

    thank you for this post!!!! I love BSF and my faith has grown so much deeper. Every week we focus on glorifying God and what Jesus is for our salvation and how to bring that to others! I was heartbroken to read people saying I am being led “astray”. Thank you for your affirmation of BSF

  10. Cathy Witthoeft

    Beware! You and others are being shown by the Holy Spirit that BSF has gotten far away from it’s founder (A. Wetherell Johnson) and God’s call on her life.

    I stopped BSF last year when in my spirit I knew something was wrong with content and just overall w/BSF procedures.

  11. Maria

    Dear friends,
    I resigned from BSF in December 2018. I was then one of the Group leaders. More and more I see that the bsf is a group os Socialita , a political group than God’s children.
    I thought I had made a wrong decision, just to find out later that it was indeed a good decision.

    Also bsf becomes very racist.

    I do cherish the 10 years in bsf. But sad to see how it slipped down deeply from the mission of bsf.
    I always pray for friends and leaders in bsf. May God bring revival.

  12. Tony Crisera

    I have been attending since 2018 having gone through the People of the Promise Land, and the last study on Acts Study called Unstoppable. I have no idea what you are talking about and find the post actually divisive of the Gospel and work of making the Word known. As for our experience in a major city, people know BSF to be one of the most rigorous and organized Bible Studies out there bringing people various mainline Christian denominations to study deeply over a moderated study with definitive doctrinal teaching. Yes, sometimes the questions are very simplistic, and I really dislike those. But most times, our group don’t rely on simplistic responses and encourage our group members to dig deeper and go farther than the obvious answers.
    Christianity and the Bible is under attack from many outside enemies; this is not the time to quibble about small things, accusing people without even knowing who they are, and assuming the worst. I would suggest you go visit with Susie once the lockdown is over or ask to talk with her directly on the phone with your concerns. Don’t attack the work of the Spirit. If it does not bring glory to Jesus and spread the Gospel, it will be plainly manifest and not succeed. Don’t know what you have against Tim Keller or David Warren either. I am actually saddened that so many people here have had bad experiences with their BSF groups. We have a totally different experience of it and don’t have anything that comes close to it.

  13. Dear Jo, I am grateful you have been saved. And I do believe in outreach with the Gospel into society, but the church fellowship must be pure and all Biblical teachings. Experiences do not invalidate the Word of God. Christians are commanded to judge, as we are not to associate with so-called believers who disobey the Bible: 1 Corinthians 5:11 “I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one …” Plus we are to refer to sinning believers as “wicked” and remove them from the church; 1 Corinthians 5:13.

    And please read Ephesians 5:3-7 which commands premarital sex and uncleanliness not be named among the saints nor any type of covetousness or desire to get rich. And more is stated in these verses regarding judging others so we do not associate with them or allow them in the church. And verse 11 commands true believers to have no fellowship with darkness but expose those who are involved. John the Baptizer/Prophet exampled this with Herod Antipas, he being an adulterer.

    God states in 1 Corinthians chapter 6: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators (those not pure in all relationships. It is only the marriage bed for life that is undefiled), nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” And Paul wrote the Corinthian epistles or letters because evil was reported to him by godly believers who cared—“things reported commonly among you.” (1 Corinthians chapter 5:1) Evil is to be reported, judged and removed. Church discipline is commanded by holy God.

    Consider Ephesians 5:11 which teaches we are to expose the unfruitful works of darkness and we are to have no fellowship with such. We have to judge worldly persons so we can end fellowship. 2 Corinthians chapter 6 also clarifies this.

    I will stand on the Word of God alone which is my two-edged sword against all false teachings.

  14. Christians are commanded to judge, as we are not to associate with so-called believers who disobey the Bible: 1 Corinthians 5:11 “I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one …” Plus we are to refer to sinning believers as “wicked” and remove them from the church; 1 Corinthians 5:13.

    And please read Ephesians 5:3-7 which commands premarital sex and uncleanliness not be named among the saints nor any type of covetousness or desire to get rich. And more is stated in these verses regarding judging others so we do not associate with them or allow them in the church. And verse 11 commands true believers to have no fellowship with darkness but expose those who are involved. John the Baptizer/Prophet exampled this with Herod Antipas, he being an adulterer.

    God states in 1 Corinthians chapter 6: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators (those not pure in all relationships. It is only the marriage bed for life that is undefiled), nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” And Paul wrote the Corinthian epistles or letters because evil was reported to him by godly believers who cared—“things reported commonly among you.” (1 Corinthians chapter 5:1) Evil is to be reported, judged and removed. Church discipline is commanded by holy God.

    Consider Ephesians 5:11 which teaches we are to expose the unfruitful works of darkness and we are to have no fellowship with such. We have to judge worldly persons so we can end fellowship. 2 Corinthians chapter 6 also clarifies this.

    Philippians 1:9-11 teaches believers to judge by excellence, approving those things which are righteous through discernment. This is love in practice: “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all judgment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Judging or discernment never approves of any evil or impure way. A believer cannot sit by and let satan’s world of vileness deceive God’s righteous and separated calling of holy obedience. True love approves of all things holy and chaste; all things untainted by this sinful world which mocks chastity and the ancient paths.

    All through the Bible sin is exposed so people do not fall into sin. If no one exposes it, then all will be drawn into sin. People must be cleansed and walk by the Holy Spirit’s control, not the control of sinful culture and its anti-Biblical teachings—its man-manufactured belief systems. If Christians walk in the Spirit, they walk according to holy righteousness and keep themselves unpolluted by the flesh, devil and cultural-pleasing ways which never calls anything sin. They walk in newness of life.

    Additionally, we know true believers by their fruits of righteousness—Matthew 7:15-20. We are to judge, determining who are the true believers and those who are the tares or the unrighteous ones who arrive to destroy the innocent purity of holiness and immutable Biblical doctrine. And those who do not live separately from culture and society. And grace is for those who love the LORD Jesus Christ of the Bible in sincerity—Ephesians 6:24.

    We are to test and judge: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test (which includes judging) the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1) The book of Jude warns believers not to allow licentiousness (removal of God’s holy laws for innocent and pure living) into the church. True Christians are even to hate the garments polluted by the flesh.

  15. Dear Linda, True Christians are not allowed to associate with the false teachers. Please read 2 Peter; they are to be exposed and this includes the Calvinists. Also read Jude, 2 and 3 John. Additionally, 1 Corinthians chapters 5 and 6 and the first three chapters of Revelation.

    “But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.”

    We can only associate with those who stand on the Bible alone from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 with no additions or subtractions. We can never stand on the words of men which in any way changes Scripture.

  16. Christians are commanded to judge, as we are not to associate with so-called believers who disobey the Bible: 1 Corinthians 5:11 “I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one …” Plus we are to refer to sinning believers as “wicked” and remove them from the church; 1 Corinthians 5:13.

    And please read Ephesians 5:3-7 which commands premarital sex and uncleanliness not be named among the saints nor any type of covetousness or desire to get rich. And more is stated in these verses regarding judging others so we do not associate with them or allow them in the church. And verse 11 commands true believers to have no fellowship with darkness but expose those who are involved. John the Baptizer/Prophet exampled this with Herod Antipas, he being an adulterer.

    God states in 1 Corinthians chapter 6: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators (those not pure in all relationships. It is only the marriage bed for life that is undefiled), nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” And Paul wrote the Corinthian epistles or letters because evil was reported to him by godly believers who cared—“things reported commonly among you.” (1 Corinthians chapter 5:1) Evil is to be reported, judged and removed.

    Consider Ephesians 5:11 which teaches we are to expose the unfruitful works of darkness and we are to have no fellowship with such. We have to judge worldly persons so we can end fellowship. 2 Corinthians chapter 6 also clarifies this.

    Philippians 1:9-11 teaches believers to judge by excellence, approving those things which are righteous through discernment. This is love in practice: “And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all judgment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Judging or discernment never approves of any evil or impure way. A believer cannot sit by and let satan’s world of vileness deceive God’s righteous and separated calling of holy obedience. True love approves of all things holy and chaste; all things untainted by this sinful world which mocks chastity and the ancient paths.

    All through the Bible sin is exposed so people do not fall into sin. If no one exposes it, then all will be drawn into sin. People must be cleansed and walk by the Holy Spirit’s control, not the control of sinful culture and its anti-Biblical teachings—its man-manufactured belief systems. If Christians walk in the Spirit, they walk according to holy righteousness and keep themselves unpolluted by the flesh, devil and cultural-pleasing ways which never calls anything sin. They walk in newness of life.

  17. Thank you for your discernment, Teresa, regarding the Bible Project which is full of heresy, the doctrines of demons. I have disclosed it at my website which you can visit through a Google search for “val lee on the Bible Project.” It should be the first link.

    In gracious gratitude for you, Val

  18. ann

    Hi, I am just wondering how they select a new group leader. Is it through the existing group leader’s observation on their members and call them up to see if they want to take up the role as a new group leader.
    How do they go about it.
    This if only for my understanding and nothing related if the leader is good or not good.

  19. Connie

    Came upon this site by accident. I’ve recently returned to a BSF class in my area – it is connected to a fully functioning class closer to the city. I have been longing to get back to BSF. I was a discussion leader for several years. I had to disagree with some things but overall, I love the notes and lectures and especially meeting people from other denominations who really love the Lord. Later, I started a Bible Class in my own home for the people where I lived. I could not use BSF notes of course but accessed others and used some of the principles I learned from BSF . People had to really want to come – I didn’t pander to anyone and everyone was encouraged to do their studies. I put into action what I learned about directing the group and kept the discussions on track. I had a very consistent attendance for three years with most members hardly ever missing a lesson. I moved away and took with me a lovely book which they prepared for me which told me how very much they had appreciated the class. I treasure it.
    People will disagree at times, but by God’s grace and in loving each other as Jesus has loved us, let us look at what is really important – relationship with Christ and with each other. Don’t walk away, stay there and be the person that the Lord wants you to be, right where you are. I’ve been a Christian all of my life and and believe me, every Christian organisation has weaknesses. We have to just find where we fit in.

  20. Mary Lowe

    I agree, with the observation, and feel sad because BSF had been a hold out resisting the relevancy move, holding true to accuracy in God’s word. The watered down lessons are; watered down and the tone of the personal questions is akin to the “arm chair” psycho bangle of many of the “feel good” churches led by, yes the big name mega churches: Rick Warren and Joel.

    It was a gamble of Susie being selected as Executive.
    Emphasizing the organization survival and growth over JESUS word being taught. (14 years -8 as a leader)

  21. Yours Truly

    I find it hilarious that you are so quick to jump on the band wagon to JUDGE the “ so called Christians” who are being judgmental!!! Ironic, someone help this woman remove the plank in her eye!

  22. Peggy

    I just started attending the BSF and hope to experience more of God with no pressure to study but a hunger for more. I was expecting more discussion of the word however, I’m going to give it more time than one day. Perhaps the study material will be what helps me and not so much the discussions. God bless you.

  23. Peggy

    That is very interesting. It makes people confused however, when I say God is in control I am referring to when I release my will to His will because I believe He knows better than I to work all things out for our good.

  24. Teresa Sparks

    My life revolved around church, things about our precious Saviour and BSF. I lived anxiously awaiting the next year of BSF to begin. When I learned about the changes in BSF from several women, I knew it was only a matter of time until I would be faced with leaving also.
    This year we. were told to turn to the Bible Project for a teaching on the Holy Spirit. The teaching leader also has used these Bible Project teachings in the lecture on the tabernacle in our lecture time. When I read the article on the Holy Spirit, I knew it was time to part ways.
    My husband and I looked further into the Bible Project and we found how twisted the doctrine was. They teach works salvation, without an assurance of salvation and a warped view of hell for starters.
    My heart is pretty heavy right now not only for my lost love, BSF, but also aches for the men, women and especially the children being lead astray. There is eternity at stake! I’ll be praying that God will open all our eyes to the truth and will myself, strive earnestly to remain faithful to the true Word.

  25. While we do not doubt that there are some good BSF teachers who are devoted to the Lord and His Word, the fact remains that top BSF leadership has headed in the emergent direction. And the influence of these main leaders has inevitably entered the curriculum and other facets of the organization. Sadly, this means many unexpecting women are going to be drawn into emergent teachings.

  26. Sandra

    I totally agree with you. This is my third year at BSF and it really depends on the leader of the class. Some leaders just have chat sessions, some do focus on the Word. I think the change is good to reach more people, I don’t think the Word is dumbed down. If you do the homework, you will be reading the Word and that is when God speaks. I understand they made the change to encourage people to come even when they haven’t done the homework, and to reach the younger women. I think it is very important to do the homework, but let’s face it life happens and their are times we fall short. Thats when God’s grace comes in, we must all remember that we are at different levels of faith. Trust the Holy Spirit to work in a class member life, even if she is not doing the homework, for those of you who have it all together and is very disciplined pray for the ones in your class who don’t. Don’t leave stay and be the change agent.

  27. CCT

    I am a BSF Leader and have been involved for 7 to 8 years. I have to admit when I did my questions on week 3 I felt they were a little weak at first. Then, as often happens to me, in my study of God’s word the Holy Spirit convicted me of my shallow approach and the depth and rich-every present application His word is to my life. I was most blessed that week by the open dialogue between my leadership group members when one asked a question prompted by Day 1 but not verbatim from the lesson about the difference in the conscience mind and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and another group member gave a testimonial response, not a “fixing” response. The connection between our group and the honor I believe it brought to God for the other member to share HIS work in her life was rich. I appreciate BSF’s 4 fold approach and many things about the evolution of the study but the one thing I find to be everpresent is the focus on the Triune Lord and maturation of his people along with the rich training for members to take God’s word into the world through the member’s families and local church. Jesus said, my sheep know my voice. I pray that is all of our focus, to stay in the word, to pray for our brothers and sisters and to Act according to God’s will.

  28. Ugh

    I’m doing week 3 of the acts study right now and I can’t believe how empty the questions are. They are the simplest questions possible and the third question for every day is a “so what do you think” question.
    In regards to the lame man peter healed miraculously, we got a “what marginalized people can you reach out to…” question. Um. Sacrificing a the real issues at had for a small good-but-not-the-point point.

  29. Diana

    CBS is an offshoot of BSF. Many years ago there was a personality conflict and a splinter group walked away with the BSF study principles.
    CBS has some great studies that can be purchased from Amazon with instructions matching the old BSF method for leading the group in the back of the books. You don’t need to be a member of CBS to enjoy the studies and they can be used for home bible studies. At present, they beat BSF by a mile. The focus is still the bible alone.
    I left BSF two years ago for the reasons everyone has mentioned. It is now man-centered. This is why I resigned. I started in 1976. I was a Teaching Leader in the past and a Discussion Leader for all but 7 years. I heard Miss Johnson speak in person. Something needs be said about the faith and peseverance of Miss Johnson. She was no push-over. None of this would be happening on her watch. She was a formidable leader. She was also in tune with the Holy Spirit and anyone who followed her had no doubt. The class was about the Holy Word of God and anyone who behaved like a spoiled crybaby didn’t come back. People did their homework and kept quiet until they really had something biblical to say. Those were days of true spiritual growth.

  30. susan w. Louie

    Susanne Wong – I am glad you voiced on this. Thank God our salvation do not depend on our faithfulness/loyalty but rather solely on the faithfulness and work of Christ Jesus our Lord.

  31. connie walk

    I totally disagree. You can’t speak for other classes. We only discuss the questions and stay on the topic. It is not a chat session.

  32. Beverly

    You haven’t done your homework on Presbyterian (PCA) doctrine. We do NOT believe you can lose your Salvation! Eternal security is the Gospel. There is much good in BSF but Satan is trying to destroy it from within. Isn’t that just like him?

  33. Beverly

    I absolute agree with your comments. Satan is obviously stirring the pot and trying to destroy a legitimate study of God’s word. Thank you for pointing this out.

  34. Diane S

    I started BSF in 1976( not continuously) and have done all the studies and I was very anxious to learn from PPL I. NEVER has my spirit , in all these years been troubled as it was this past year. My leader would email us weekly with thoughts from Jesus Calling( purely metaphysical). I had to stop reading and at the end of the year, she gave each class member a ” Jesus Calling ” leatherette edition of the book. Sorry to say, “I am finished with BSF” which saddens me.

  35. Audrey

    I am a Precept leader. I’ve been taking Precept for 15 years. BSF draws a large crowd at our church. I have found the discerning people willing to put in the time on bible study, choose Precept. I wish there was a larger emphasis on inductive bible study!!

  36. K Stiles

    Does anyone know that if there is a connection between BSF and CBS? I went to BSF In my early 20s and a lot of my complaints are echoed by the previous comments. I always felt like they were shoving Calvinism down our throats and when it came to matters of eschatology. We were on different ends of the spectrum in regards to the church, Israel and all subjects pertaining to end times.

  37. Sam,
    If it was just a matter of changing to a more casual dress code and some of the other things you mentioned, we and others would not be concerned. But the changes to BSF go much deeper than that as has been described on our site.

  38. sam

    I have been in BSF for 6 years three of which I have been a leader. Many old people in our class are uneasy with the changes including doing away with formal dress code, shorter times of meeting, conversational discussion of study etc. The new approach to scripture study of what do you observe, what do you learn about God and Man, and what will you apply is easy for us millennials. We are happy BSF is seeking to reach us with technology. The old approach served its purpose and it is high time it changes to meet the new generation where it hurts. BSF mission remains Passion for Christ Compassion for people.

  39. A Hester

    Yes, Christians should expose error, if we are talking about not saying what the Word says. I noticed for the first time last year that there is a doctrine that is incorrect that is in BSF material pertaining to the character of God. In notes last year several times it talked about God being in control of everything, which is heretical. If God had chosen to control everything, everyone would accept salvation and there would not have been a need for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden. God has instead, chosen to give us free will to control our own lives and make choices according to our own will.

  40. A Hester

    Yes, Christians should expose error, if we are talking about not saying what the Word says. I noticed for the first time last year that there is a doctrine that is incorrect that is in BSF material pertaining to the character of God. In notes last year several times it talked about God being in control of everything, which is heretical. If God had chosen to control everything, everyone would accept salvation and there would not have been a need for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden. God has instead, chosen to give us free will to control our own lives and make choices according to our own will.

  41. Linda

    Thank you for going back to the source to see the whole picture and not a piece. Sometimes changes are painful. I’ve been with BSF for 14 years and a leader for 8. The changes in the beginning were hard to take in and see the benefit. We love our Bible and God’s Word but without real discussion our study is in vain. I’m now an online leader, I see how those that love the Word and love their loved ones from afar can study together. I see those that can’t leave their homes to go to a meeting can meet online and have rich and deep discussion. Also satellite groups pops up anywhere and everywhere people have heart to start one. What a great vision! In my group last year, I had a pair of sisters one lives in Canada and the other in Mexico sharing the truth online with one another. This year I have a lady from Singapore who is so excited to be part of our California Online group. We are a family of God, not perfect, not all knowing, but all Love the Lord and His Words. Isn’t that more important? No one is righteous, not even one. We are all sinner. Even Suzie Rowan but she is called and so is everyone in the headquarter of BSF. All made up of sinners who are not perfect. But God’s plan perfect. He is faithful and is forgiving. Nothing will stop His plan from happening. From Ms. Johnson’s 5 ladies to people all over the world. That’s BSF! God’s plan will not be stopped.

  42. JO

    I don’t think Rick Warren ever written any BSF material. They are written by full time theologians. Hmmm…. I wonder where you see that info?

  43. JO

    I came to BSF 7 years ago, it totally change my life. Every week, I was struck from by the depravity of my sins and grace of God. For 3 years, I sat in the lecture hall repenting of my sins. the study of God’s word in BSF never fail to confront my sins and show me the need for Christ. God moved me from an argumentative, idolatrous, prideful person to one who desire Christ’s righteousness and meanness. There’s still so much to learn and I know that I’m not perfect yet. Today, I’m serving as one of 40,000 BSF leaders, what a joy and privilege!!. Week after week, I have the honor to witness God restoring broken marriages, smashing down idols and growing humility and maturity of Christ in the lives of the ladies thru BSF studies. Last year, 3 ladies in my group came to accept Jesus as their personal saviour. Praise the Lord!!!

    I thank God for His work in and through BSF.

  44. Beverly Webb

    I have been in BSF since 2006 with 12 years in leadership. I love the changes BSF has been willing to make to reach people for Jesus. I love Susie Rowan’s flexibility. I have seen absolutely no weakening of their strong Biblical foundation and have seen no evidence of shifting away from God to a man focus. It is so sad to see Christians trying to tear down those who do not agree with them wholly.

  45. Susanne Wong

    This statement “ remember , your salvation and life with the Lord does not depend on your faithfulness and loyalty to Him” was taken out of context. I read through the notes and it is in Lesson 14 “ Jesus the Good Shepherd” in the Apply It section. The context was that there are many voices in this world but only Jesus is the way to Salvation. The text in the same section says that Jesus calls anyone who would advocate a different way a thief and a robber. The point was that our salvation does not rely upon us -our faithfulness. Are there not times when we are unfaithful to Him? Disloyal to Him? Anytime we sin, are we not being unfaithful to Him? Disloyal to Him? There was so much biblical truth taught in this study that was not said here…” Christ, the Word is the source of all life- physical, moral, intellectual and eternal” “ The Gospel proclaims that knowing the full scope or our sinfulness, God sent His Son to save and transform us”, “ Whoever trusts in Jesus and commits wholly to Him has crossed over from death to life” “ Jesus is God’s Lamb who takes away the sins of the world” “ To participate by faith in the death and life of Jesus Christ is the only was one may receive eternal life”. “ this who admit their need and recognize the authority of Jesus receive His light which brings spiritual knowledge and insight” “ Jesus said His sheep cannot be snatched from His Father’s hand”. Isn’t it important to look at the whole lesson rather than take one statement out of context?

  46. Wendy

    Maybe now is when you need to stay the most to influence the new believers with your experience with the Bible and God which you spent 20 years freely learning.

  47. G. Lee, the audience at Lighthouse Trails IS the church. It is scriptural to call out those who are publicly teaching dangerous doctrines that take people away from the Gospel and God’s Word, rather than to it. You might want to read Harry Ironside’s article, “Should Christians Expose Error?” Here is the link to it: https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=27928. It also contains a piece on Matthew 18 as well as numerous Scriptures about being discerning.

  48. G. Lee

    You know, if there is a problem with BSF, why aren’t concerned leaders dealing with the problem internally instead of airing gripes online. Don’t you know that you are violating Scripture yourself by tearing down the Body in front of the world and giving free ammunition to Satan? If leadership is in error, you should be going to them, then taking a few people with you, then taking it to the church if they do not correct. Large churches and Christian organizations are falling right and left because people gossip rather than follow The directives in the Word. If you don’t like new directions in rules or format of BSF, well…you may just have to adjust. But if the Word is truly being compromised, whining about it to the world is NOT earnestly contending for the faith, it is handing the devil a trophy.


    Peggy Fry
    I just signed up today for BSF again. I longed for a biblical study that would help me be more structured and serious about my walk with Jesus. When I saw that Rick Warren had a part in writing materials for BSF, I immediately knew I couldn’t join. I’ve known for years about the Emergent ‘church’s influence and so many New Age influences were creeping into the church. After reading all the letters and comments, I see many other red flags and wil not be able to join BSF afterall. Its very sad to see the Body of CHRIST being manipulated and heresy being taught in small things which are getting bigger and worse yearly. I used to be a Jehovah’s Witness and when I was told I should not talk about my “old” religion, I HAD no idea it was coming to this day. I really thought BSFwas on the right track years ago. I was hoping today I could share my love for JESUS CHRIST and witnesss FOR Jesus. Another good christian organization going the way OF BABYLON. I hope more will realize CHRIST is the ONLY WAY, TRUTH, AND LIFE before its too late. GOD BLESS EVERYONE. SEEKING TRUTH AND HAVING AN APOLOGETICS HEART. THANK YOU BSF LADIES WHO HAVE BEEN AND INSPIRATION TO ME.

  50. Cheryl

    I am so glad to see woman speak the truth about BSF. I only attended 6 years and I saw the deception. In the classes I attended, BSF was god among the women….those classes were EVERYTHING to many of the women. They were not interested in God’s truth…whatever BSF said was the “gospel”. What did it for me, in studying the Book of John, was when the notes said “Remember, your salvation does not depend on you being faithful and loyal to Jesus. No one can snatch you out of His hand.” I thought the”not” was a typo on my sheet. And no one had a problem with that statement…..we must vow “to be faithful” to our spouses, “forsaking all others” but to Christ the Bridegroom, the bride does not have to be faithful to Him! That was the straw for me! Then to receive the “Prayer package” that following summer and one thing we were to pray…”Open my eyes to see that there is no sacred secular divide.” Who were they praying to? God teaches us in Leviticus that there MUST be a difference between that which is holy and that which is unholy!
    Sin was glorified so much in our lectures. We were constantly being “reminded” “how much we love to sin”….but thank God that Jesus will “cover us”.
    God through the Holy Spirit made me boldly speak against those lies and declared His truth. I stopped attending after John in 2017….they probably was going to kick me out anyways. But I could not sit in silence through all the heresies.

  51. Elizabeth

    I have attended BSF for over 20 years—and this year will be my last. The lessons/lectures have been dumbed down, and most standards have been tossed out to accommodate anyone who can manage to show up. There is only weak emphasis on the lesson itself, and no pressure to actually READ the scripture or complete the questions. Group times have morphed into chat sessions only loosely tied to the lesson, and most lectures are unchallenging. The methodology change is not a huge deal—but I cannot stomach the emphasis shift from God to people. I’m thankful for my years at BSF, but equally thankful that God has given me the discernment to know when to get out.

  52. Jan

    I have never attended BSF but have been doing Precept (Kay Arthur) for over 12 years. She is scripture only by the inductive method. I have never heard anything good about BSF. Become a member, really? Precept does not require a membership. You can’t speak if you haven’t done your homework, really?

  53. susan nilson

    I couldn’t say it better, “Relating” our experiences, I saw this year’s discussion as nothing more than a ladies chat session

  54. susan nilson

    I have suffered through this year, I could barely finish. The questions have gone off the deep end. The class discussion time has morphed into a ladies chat session. God has been sidelined. So so sorry

  55. Shell

    Yep, only after being in a few meetings. “Can’t put my finger on it”. Holy Spirit will make it plain. I’m not going back.

  56. Jo

    Wow, happy we don’t live in the same town & happen to sit next to each other in a BSF class! I was a non-practicing Catholic when I joined BSF (4) yrs ago. I had moved from the NE to the south & found out pretty quickly never to divulge my upbringing lest I be looked down upon. I didn’t find these “so-called” Christians very Christian-like at all. But I wanted to learn the Bible so pressed on. And guess what? I came to my own conclusions about Catholicism. I became a convert – so to speak. No longer a Catholic, or a Baptist, but a follower of Christ. And isn’t that what it’s all about? bringing others to Christ? If BSF had made me feel ashamed that I had been practicing idolatry all those yrs growing up I would never have gone back. Now I teach a class “Bible for Dummies” which attracts people who were just like me before I started studying the word.

  57. Ernest

    I’ve read the article and am a bit confused. So far in the study of ppl, I’ve not come across any man- centric inclinations. I’m rather encouraged to depend on God in every facet of daily living and this is really helping my spiritual growth. I pray Bsf continues to stay the course with God’s help

  58. Kat

    I am truly distressed about this. Came back this year in CA, after a three-year hiatus, have since moved to WA state and just discovered yesterday from a new friend at my new church this website and the ‘words’ that pinpoint my ‘can’t put my finger on my ‘uncomfortable” with BSF. Will research more…

  59. Rina Boffa

    I used to go to BSF and found I could not speak against peoples false religions and Catholicism, if people think it was biblical being in BSF, they have been deceived. James Montgomery Boice wrote the Romans study who was a Calvinist; that should be enough to stay away from BSF; if you do the research, Miss Johnson who started the study, in her own words, said it was an Ecumenical Gathering, that in itself is a huge problem. They are marching you down to Rome, with all their Contemplative prayers. The gospel is once saved always saved, eternal security is the gospel, now thats good news. There are Pentecostals and Lutherans and Presbytns that all go there who think you can lose your salvation and Presbyns who say if you sin, big sins then you were never a Christian to begin with. They do not teach you to be discerning, its all about bottoms on seats. I feel very grieved about BSF and would not recommend it to people.

  60. Morrigan

    I recently stepped out of leadership. It felt like BSF’s goal is to keep itself alive and pushes leaders to use their relationship with their group members as leverage to keep them coming back. It felt really disenguine. The focus of the organization is entirely self-preservation which is so…corporate. I also was sacrificing my own personal relationships and friendships and time at church to meet the demands of leadership on top of my full-time job. It was also a red flag to me when I was told if I felt like quitting, not to talk to my husband and family, only the teaching leader, so I could be “talked out” of leadership. Leadership is heavily laden with guilt. I won’t go back.

  61. Melva

    I am so grateful to the BSF leader who wrote the letter. Thank you for your courage to speak out. I currently am in BSF. I, too, have noticed the big changes in the format, especially in our groups where there is now less emphasis on actually discussing scriptures and more on relating our experiences. But I did not, yet, discern the shift to Dominion theology. However, after reading this letter by the former BSF leader exposing the subtle shifting away from Jesus Christ, I am making the decision to leave this “new and improved” BSF.

  62. Lynn

    Today (9/13/18) I attended my first BSF class after a gap of 8-10 years. Having attended for 11 years in the 90’s-early 2000’s, I was excited to be getting back into a structured Bible study. I’d heard there were “exciting” changes, but what I noticed was distressing, not exciting. In the lecture I noticed an emphasis on knowing the “heart of God”, which didn’t seem problematic at first. Then the discussion time was totally different from the previously organized discussions I knew from the past. I asked the discussion leader if this was going to be the new format and she said sometimes it would be like this and sometimes would be different. Afterwards, I reached out to 2 BSF-ers I knew “back when” but after waiting several hours for their reply, I just decided to search online. I was glad to find your website, but sad to find my fears were confirmed. Things had changed, and not for the better. In life, change in inevitable. Some changes are good, some bad, some neutral. The info provided on your website has assured me that I was right to be concerned about the changes in BSF. Thank you for the factual information you’ve published.

  63. Sharon

    I have been with BSF for two years and they are totally Biblical, not legalistic. Wow this is really a judgmental attitude and I have been a Christian for a long long time. Hate when so called Christians feel they need to judge and call it being discerning. So sad. I know that you will not agree, but that is okay too. Praying for softer hearts where God is definitely working in BSF.

  64. admin

    Carol if you get a chance to read the article we posted today by the woman who came out of Calvinism, she discusses her time in BSF and what she discovered about the organization’s leadership.

  65. Carol Ackerman

    Last year a friend of mine invited me to attend BSF, however, it bothered me that the meetings were being held in a large local church who does not have a good reputation for sound doctrine so I declined. I was invited again this year to attend when your article came up on my facebook newsfeed about BSF leaders plunging into the “Emergent Waters”. I forwarded this article to the friend who had been invited me to attend BSF again this year. She read your article but became furious with me for sending it to her. Accused your ministry of being unbiblical for making public and exposing the errors of BSF and accused me of being judgemental and unbiblical for posting your article on my facebook page. This friend of mine does not attend church anywhere because of unsound doctrine in most all the churches in the area we live so I thought she would appreciate and want to know about BSF. However, I was very much mistaken and had to endure her rantings about how discernment ministries such as yours destroy the good reputation of ministries like BSF. Her words and thoughts not mine. I am grateful for the work you do at Lighthouse and will continue to post your articles on my facebook. As for my friend, I can no longer continue having much fellowship with her because of this.

  66. Eliza

    I attended BSF in the 80’s & had a problem w/ them allowing false teaching from attenders w/out correcting them. That in itself disqualified them from being true to the gospel. Additionally their magisterial approach to teaching the word of a woman as if it were the Word of God was at the heart of their demise. I’m glad I didn’t continue w/ this heretical group.

  67. jill Widdowson

    I attended BSF in Australia for 5 years in the 80’s and have always been so grateful for the privilege of sound biblical teaching, and during which time, the Lord gave me a love for His Word, which grows more and more the older I get. How deeply saddened I am therefore, to learn of the deception that has entered this once biblically sound ministry. I guess I should not be surprised given the days in which we are living, the Lord Jesus is returning soon, and the signs of His coming are increasing day by day. maranatha, come Lord Jesus.

  68. Heidi Lavoie

    Dr. Kevin Mannoia’s church planting system (Century 21 Church Planting), is nothing less than the strategy of the Antichrist to “transform” Bible based Christian churches into apostate churches void of the true gospel message, churches that have been adapted to please the tastes of the worldly in order to draw them in. My experience that evening at the Conference was so upsetting that it was the last time I attended that church. We are witnessing the fulfillment of 2Thess. 2:3

  69. Heidi Lavoie

    This is a continuation of my information submitted about the new age terminology used at a C&MA District Conference I attended in 2003. The analogy used by the speaker of a “river” is constantly used in the Charismatic movement. And I believe the use of the term “community” is derived from Buddhist philosophy. The New Age Movement is an eclectic, occult-based, evolution promoting, man-centered, self deifying, pervasive world view that seeks through transformation of individuals to bring about a transformation of society in order to achieve the ultimate goal of a new world order of complete global harmony … globalism is founded upon planetary consciousness, which is a world view that emphasizes loyalty to the community of humanity rather than local loyalties to nation, tribe or other social groupings.

  70. Heidi Lavoie

    I agree with the comments regarding the new age/new spirituality’s frequent referencing of the word “community”. I came across the use of what I term “new age lingo” at my Christian and Missionary Alliance church here in the small town in South Western Ontario where I live, back in the year 2003. when I attended the District Conference. Here are some examples of terms used profusely by the speaker, Dr. Kevin Mannoia (previous President of the NAE): “Kingdom connectedness”, “apostolic movement”, “community”, Kingdom culture”, “transforming environment”, “the river”, “think collectively that we are a river” (new age term is “collective consciousiness”), “nature of the Kingdom as community”, “great Kingdom community” “Kingdom is like a river”, “we are like that river of God”. Other terms used: “Kingdom flow”, “be the people of God in community”, “wherever you go life thrives in your collective units (communities)”,”differentiated identities”, “cluster power”, “fruit of transformed communities”, “You are a community, a Kingdom people collectively”. This presentation was a stunning example of how the new age/new spirituality has entered the church. The speaker went on to crack jokes about whether one could worship God while smoking marijuana.

  71. Val Lee

    Regarding BSF, I chose not to attend when I learned you cannot expose the lies of false religions, such as idolatrous Catholicism, Mormonism, etc. The entire Bible boldly exposes false beliefs including idol worship. These guidelines have been penned in stone for countless years representing compromise to please all ears and for number-sake. Christians are to come out and be separate from all those of false faiths, not sitting next to them in the name of ecumenicalism.

  72. Steven

    Excellent I have been wary of this group for a long time. All false teachers and phony ministries have one thing in common-they get into grandma’s house by speaking much if not all truth, then once inside, ravish the household and destroy it. Amazing how few professing Christians understand this dynamic

  73. Susan McClure

    Excellent article. I am distressed by the use of the word “community” used frequently by my church’s leadership. While they still preach truth, I suspect the Emergent church influences are creeping in.

  74. T. I. Miller

    Thanks to LHT diligence I was made aware of their drift from the gospel according to scripture. I was personally bothered by an adult Sunday school teacher who was also very dedicated to BSF. He was proud that no matter how diverse how apostate their theological backgrounds were, the BSF lessons offended no one. The biblical gospel is a stumbling block and an offense to the lost. That is not something to boast about. This call to “community” is far more menacing than what meets the eye. Looking at the big picture it is the road to a global theological community. This totally apostate religious global community will embrace even false religions. It is also more than likely being set up to be duped by the FALSE christ the anti-christ who will promise world “community” peace, harmony and social justice for all. The Church is Christ body. The NT never refers to it as a community. For that matter it never refers to it as family. It is unique. It is set apart. It is one of a kind. Sports teams and co-workers can claim they are family. Only the church can unashamedly claim the title, the body of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Neither Jesus nor the Apostles ever marketed the gospel. Something the seeker friendly, ( we are family ), advocates should think about.

  75. Jeffry

    When I was young we use to go to “Home Days”. To gather together to have fun. Most cities had tents from churches in the area. Giving away Texts from the Bible. Today cities call it “Community Days”. Many cities have banned the churches from having a tent. Our country is headed for Socialism? Marxism? Communism? All 3 mean the same thing. Totalitarianism. Pray for our country.

  76. Roberra Harper

    The Philadelphia Class started in my home 30 years ago. We had 1 year of prayer and had 70 women to be able to start the class. 5 years ago BFS told us they were closing our class because we were rude to out 35 year old leader who could not explain about Jesus returning in the rapture. One of our leaders in her 60s said “we are not leaving this room until everyone understands about the rapture. She explained it in detail with scripture. The next week tge leaders from headquarters cand and closed our class because we were rude. We have continued this last 5 years with a great teaching leader and more than 70 women registered and still going strong. I am the Director of the childrens program and we are now Joy Of Living. We have not missed a week and we teach tge truth from God’s true word the Bible! God provides!

  77. Glenn

    The term “community” shows up a lot in the contemplative/emerging church writing. Peter Drucker was a communitarian (different than being a communist but no more scriptural) and through Bob Buford’s Leadership Network influenced a who’s who of these leaders. Also, Rod Dreher (author of the Benedict Option) has been heavily influenced by Alasdair MacIntyre another communitarian. This philosophy heavily emphasizes “community” but not scripture. This teaching does not come from the Holy Spirit. Come soon Lord Jesus!

  78. Anna Rosa

    Instead of saving the people on the Titannic with the Gospel, they are trying to save the Titannic!

  79. Ronda

    I study with BSF, i found them to be contradicting. From study to study. Teaching Calvin doc. That would be that faith was a gift from God if God doesn’t give you this gift you can not believe. I question the faith gift, when it comes to falling away, only those given this gift. Could fall away. That would mean God took Bach his gift back from His elected one

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