Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I found your website recently and have found it to be very informational. Thank you for the work you do!
I didn’t realize some of the information I was reading about in “Christian” books were linked to contemplative prayer. In fact, I purchased the book Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst in January. I read part of it but just haven’t had time to finish or put what she suggests into practice. I’m so thankful to God I found your website because I was able to learn about breath prayers. Lysa Terkeurst suggests using them in her book. I remember reading it but I just though it was like praying without ceasing…how naive. Thousands of women have purchased her book and are practicing her suggestions. However, like I said, I haven’t read the entire book so I’m not sure what else she suggests.
This is also the woman who endorsed Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts. Ann Voskamp has a blog where she shares how to do Lectio Divina. A lot of women read her blog and she has quite a following with her book. One thing that strikes me is how many women look to these two women for help in their lives through their blogs and books.
Thank you again,
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