LTRP Note: Please see our links below this letter for some excellent resources on Reiki.
Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I won’t bore you with details of my life and why I am writing, but want you to know I am a Bible-believing Christian. My mom is into the New Age movement and has had Reiki done on her for years; recently she started practicing Reiki. She does it on friends and family members (I am the only Christian in the family). I live with back pain, and she has wanted to do it on me. I have always said no, but after researching Reiki I finally decided to tell her that my beliefs conflict with Reiki and that the “energy” is actually demonic (that was a difficult conversation). FYI, she told me she can’t do it on anyone without their permission. Also she regularly meditates and talks to “her angel,” whom she credits with anything good happening. She is getting deeper into this.
My mother says she prays to “Jesus” before doing Reiki. When she said that, I knew I couldn’t keep ignoring it and decided I needed to really look into Reiki and share my faith (she knows I’m a Christian—thus telling me Reiki is OK for me because she prays to Jesus; but I don’t think she saw much distinction in our beliefs and said her Reiki teacher used to be a female minister). She does not believe in the Bible or most of it anyway, nor Jesus’ deity, but rather He came to point the way to God. To me, of course, this just doesn’t make any logical sense for so many reasons (I told her those reasons), but she is so deceived she can’t see reason. This “Jesus” seems to be a big part of her life, but I think her angel(s) more so. She states she only “prays” to God but “talks” to her angel(s) and asks them for help. I see the contradiction because she “prays” to Jesus before Reiki but doesn’t believe He’s God yet only prays to God. But she doesn’t see it. Obviously this is a false Jesus (and are not holy angels). We are very close, but it turns my stomach to hear her talk about her angels (one of whom is “like a best friend” and has a name).
I’ve been trying to research any author or speaker before I listen/read them because I know how subtle wrong teaching can come in. It takes a lot of discernment; your website will help me a lot. So many people are being mislead by a lot of different things. It’s heartbreaking! I don’t think my Christian friends truly understand what this stuff is so its hard for them to understand how upset I am.
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you are telling the truth. I felt impotent in my search for answers until I stumbled upon the podcasts and then the website.
Related Information:
Energy Healing: Reiki, and Therapeutic Touch – Entertaining Devils Unaware