1. Charles

    False man made religious systems where people are taken over by a strong delusion where they would believe a lie,apostasy is growing .1st tim 4-1
    While there will be no big revivals because the churches for the most part are counterfeit laodecian lukewarm .rev3

  2. Marianne

    Thank you for writing.
    My husband and I just retired from 42 years of mission work in Bible translation and Literacy with an evangelical mission agency. He grew up as an anabaptist in North America, in what is now an evangelical Mennonite denomination. Twelve years ago he was invited by a student to an Orthodox church service and has by now all but converted or become a member of the EO. I was perplexed, argued and warned him that he took a wrong path. I have in vain looked for people where we live, who are mature in their faith and actually know what the ramifications are of believing and participating in what the EO teaches and does. EO parishes are largely unknown in evangelical circles in The Netherlands, where we reside. We have been attending different churches for a number of years by now. I have come to a place of trust and peace after much unrest and grief over this, which is also affecting our adult children and our grandchildren of course. We, my husband and I, each go our own way when it comes to theology and church attendance, talk about it a lot, still, but with less emotional involvement on my part. I do not yet understand what the Lord is after but it certainly has brought me closer to Him and more rooted in Him. And I am very thankful for praying and supportive brothers and sisters in the church of Jesus Christ, including the people at Lighthouse Trails.

  3. M

    In addition to the overall reality of apostasy, and of the influence of mysticism, the 2 biggest factors I see in those who leave the faith and join the EO or Catholicism are:

    1. A high level of *intellectualism*, which grows into pride, and this is combined with little to no effort for actual heart change/sanctification.

    2. No one ever converts to EO or Catholicism by just reading the Bible.

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