To Lighthouse Trails:
I looked up speakers for the Proclaim 19 and did not find Charles Stanley on their list – nor did I find John MacArthur as a speaker. He is only listed as holding the worship service. From the Proclaim 19 web site: “Join us in worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. John MacArthur will be presenting the message and we will be blessed to have an opportunity to join Joni Eareckson Tada in singing hymns.” There are MANY MANY speakers – including the Vice President of United States – Mike Pence. I really enjoy reading your informative articles and blogs. I believe we need to be discerning in these last days. However, one thing that I believe is very important is to provide your readers with more complete and accurate information in your blogs. Thank you. R _____
LTRP Comment: Actually, our report was and remains accurate. Both John MacArthur and Charles Stanley are on the list of speakers as we earlier stated. As for semantics, Proclaim 19 calls MacArthur and Stanley “speakers”; thus, we have called them speakers. Below are two links and a photo for those who would like the documentation. As we reported earlier, Roma Downey and her husband Mark Burnett have been removed from the Speakers list, but we cannot confirm with NRB if they have just been removed from the Speakers list on their website or if they have been actually removed from the speaking schedule altogether.
Please understand the point in all this. It’s really very simple: Christian leaders are showing no discernment or wisdom in such matters as these (and haven’t for a long time). They will share platforms with anyone if it helps “get their own message out” (as if God cannot accomplish His purposes unless these leaders compromise). Rather than exposing the works of the Adversary, they are giving them a pat on the back. For nearly 17 years, Lighthouse Trails has shown example after example of this happening, and now today, the modern-day church is so convoluted and saturated with serious false teachings, no one knows up from down and right from left. While damage control efforts are already underway regarding Roma Downey speaking at Proclaim 19 (and perhaps she truly won’t be speaking at the event anymore – we don’t know because there’s been no announcement), you can almost be sure that there won’t be any Christian leaders who are attending Proclaim 19 who will be speaking up about Roma Downey’s promotion of dangerous New Age spirituality or about Rick Warren’s long-time emergent views on contemplative prayer, Bible prophecy, and ecumenism with the Roman Catholic Church.
When it all comes down to it, maybe these Christian leaders who are speaking at Proclaim 19 belong together after all. Maybe they have a lot more in common than people realize. But having a lack of discernment is not exactly a commonality in which to boast.
““Roma Downey No Longer Listed as Proclaim 19 Speaker – Reason Unclear From NRB Office
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Regardless of the event being focused on Christian media rather than doctrine, did the disciples ever join hands with false teachers to promote events? Mcarthur is headlined on posters with heretic Rick Warren! The degrees of separation are very small and Mcarthur is sending out mixed messages. He is giving a thumbs up to all the false teachers on the poster! When did Jesus ever say we don’t have to warn of false teachers as long as they say nice things? Mcarthur’s credibility is shot. He has also endorsed Marxist Timothy Keller, pro catholic charismatic John Piper, pro new agers THE GETTYS and LGBT promoter Al Moehler! “MARK THEM which cause divisions in the doctrines which you have learned and AVOID THEM!” Romans 16
Rev. Patricia Slomanski
I love your newsletter. Thank you so much for sharing the truth. How could I obtain the booklets which you have been sending out? Somehow I missed that, but I have been through a very difficult time in my life. Appreciate your answer. God bless your ministry.
Ann, I hope that John MacArthur will indeed speak plainly and rebuke the coordinators of this event for ever inviting a speaker who is well-known for New Age (decidedly NOT Christian) beliefs. One of my concerns about him is that he has been steadily moving into and promoting Calvinism.
From Proclaim 19 Convention website, ‘The NRB International Christian Media Convention is a jam-packed, four-day event that connects, equips, and edifies thousands of Christian communicators’. The marketplace for ‘chritianized’ everything is a multi-million or perhaps billion dollar industry. Their invitation to attend certainly doesn’t highlight The Lord but rather edifying each other. Does God look upon this as when: ‘“In the temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and pigeons, and the money-changers sitting there. And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things away; do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.”” John 2:14-16 ESV
John MacArthur is very well versed in the Scriptures and I have ever reason to believe he may open some ears and eyes!
That isn’t actually true if you think about it. What will these Christian leaders be speaking about then? Most of them are not in the media, per se, business. Most of them are teachers, authors, preachers, etc. They WILL be teaching their doctrines.
Just want to say that I LOVE YOU and keep up the good work! Thank you for shining the light and standing firm. May God bless you richly!!!
Yep! Birds of a feather…Amos 3:3. If your favorite bible teacher is sharing a platform with known heretics, you can rest assured that bible teacher is compromised. I can guarantee you that the Apostle Paul would NEVER share a platform with a heretic – he would call them out and rebuke them! He would not join with them and pretend it’s no big deal.
Donna Sloma
I looked at the Proclaim 19 Conference info. The focus of the event is Christian (in a broad fashion) media. Nothing to do with pushing or teaching doctrine.
T. I. Miller
What you wrote sums up the whole problem with Evangelicals today. They act more like an industry than like the body of Christ. I went through the entire venue at the Project 19 web site. Now we have turned churches into franchises with CEO video screen pastors leading and teaching multiple church campuses. “Please understand the point in all this. It’s really very simple: Christian leaders are showing no discernment or wisdom in such matters as these (and haven’t for a long time). They will share platforms with anyone if it helps “get their own message out” (as if God cannot accomplish His purposes unless these leaders compromise). Rather than exposing the works of the Adversary, they are giving them a pat on the back.” Granted any pastor can be nit picked apart but some of the “acceptable” speakers are every bit as abhorrent as Roma Downey.