To Lighthouse Trails:
As many did, I bought the Season 1 DVD of The Chosen and watched it with great anticipation. By the time I reached the end of Season 1, I had an uneasy feeling in my spirit. I couldn’t put my finger on why but I had no desire to watch the 2nd season. My sister, a strong believer, told me when she thinks of Christ now, she “sees” the actor who portrays Him in The Chosen. That was a HUGE red flag to me. A short time later, I sent her a very good article—it could have been one from Lighthouse Trails—and I reminded her of her statement. Praise God, my sister’s eyes were opened, and she never watched another episode.
Thank you for your gift of discernment and your courage to go against the grain. I believe The Chosen series is a cleverly packaged, deceitful attempt to strip Christ of His deity in people’s minds and to relegate Him to the position of a nice, charismatic guy with some good teachings and funny friends. In my mind, that’s heresy at its worst and should be avoided by any true follower of Christ Jesus, our Messiah and God. As he was in the Garden of Eden, Satan is subtle and effective.
God bless you and protect your ministry from Satan and his minions. Maranatha!
Related Information:
The Chosen—Godly Truth or Dangerous Fiction? by Maria Kneas
The Chosen: “Get Used to Different”
Booklet on the Deity of Christ by Mike Oppenheimer
Lighthouse Trails Editors
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for your reply. You might consider reading our 10-critical concerns report on The Chosen. You can read ithere. If you do, we’d like to know what you think.
Lighthouse Trails Editors
Thomas Summit
I am still in the process of evaluating this “CHOSEN” series, i just do not ever put much emphasis on films of spiritual content. Since we live by faith, some things on film cannot be depicted as to the real thing, but we do have to scrutinize, and be cautious about what we receive as truth, and yes there are some things that are questionable. My prayer is that God will give us all Holy Spirit discernment rather than unknowing criticism, now this is just my opinion, not conclusive.
Get used to “Different?”
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
~ * ~
Hmmm . . .
An elusive question niggles . . .
From the far recesses of the mind, a looming realization dawns.
Exactly what player, through subtly veiled seduction, introduced “Different” into Eden, the paradisical abode of our blessed parents, Adam and Eve?
Let’s see. Ummm. Hmmmm Oh yeah.
That culprit was the serpent, proxy for the Dragon: Original, Premier Author of “Different,” “Diverse,” “Diversion.”
And, “Different” from God’s Holiness, Utter Goodness, Unending Blessing, Favor, Abundant Life, Abundant Provision, Abundant Friendship, Gentle Kindness, Longsuffering Patience, Sacrificial Care for Ensnared-in-“Different” progeny of Adam and Eve, Joy, Peace, Safety, Knowledge, Truth, Love, Righteousness, All Encompassing Beneficence means . . . ?
D E A T H, of course.
~ * ~
“Therefore, choose LIFE.”
Lighthouse Trails Editors
Thank you Shane Cox. We have seen some of your work on YouTube warning about The Chosen, and we appreciate your efforts too.
Dennis Monroe
Thank you for your unwavering stand for the Scriptural truths of real Christianity. When I think of Jesus Christ my Savior I don’t see any image. There is no visualization of any form. When thinking of Christ I have a sense of perfection and Holiness way beyond my comprehension, infinite perfection in all His attributes. I sense that God is my Father and He loves me and cares for me far beyond what I really know. Isaiah 45:22 is always in my mind. I look unto Him. “Simply to thy Cross I Cling.” There is nothing else.
Mrs Crystal Johnson
The Lord impressed on me, a number of times, a few years ago to ‘consider the source’ which used to be a frequent refrain in the school I worked at with the History department. They tried to drum this idea into the students. As the Lord brought this to my remembrance, I have found it an extremely useful tool to discern when ‘new’ things appear and, to this end, I never even wanted to watch The Chosen as I considered who was behind it. I believe that was a right decision.
2024! ~ God bless us, one and all.
~ * ~
“Get used to ‘different'”?
Different is definitely the definitive descriptor.
Different Jesus. Different Bible. Different “truth.” Different “god.” Different disciples. Different “biblical” culture. Different “jewish” religion. Different “historical” context.
What’s not “different?”
Jonathan Roumie’s character in The Chosen has nothing in common with Jesus of the Bible. Even the script’s actual Bible verses convey a meaning differing from Scripture.
The series transfers viewers to “Different,” far astray from the Holy Trinity as revealed in the Holy Scriptures.
Yep. “Different” certainly sums up the Series.
~ ~ ~
His own words indicate that Dallas Jenkins is in serious spiritual peril. Discerning saints love Dallas enough to counter his perilous misconceptions by the Truth of God’s Word.
And to earnestly pray for him.
Shane Cox
I’m so appreciative of the people here at Lighthouse Trails Research, doing a wonderful job in warning others about the Chosen.
Thank you
Lighthouse Trails Editors
Michael, we would agree with you that Jesus Christ Himself cannot be stripped of His deity; however, how people perceive Him can certainly be altered, and that can have eternal ramifications.
Carolyn Bramblett
I am so glad to see this source take a stand for truth. God is holy and all portrayals of the Godhead by people acting as a member of the Godhead by look, snear, smile, whatever—saying words in first person as if they are God or the Son of God are all false gods. How dare someone make up words for God? How dare someone sing a song in first person Jesus Christ. It is then a false christ and it is them.
Michael Ginther
Any human, dramatic portrayal of the life of Jesus is always going to leave a powerful impression on the human mind, and every other portrayal has done just that even as this one has. Given the usefulness of the series on other levels it doesn’t warrant throwing out the baby with the bath water. To suggest it strips Christ of His deity is both inaccurate and reckless not to mention that Christ cannot be stripped of His deity in any way.
roxanne adams
Doreen Virtue and Pastor Chris Quintana just did another interview together exposing seductive deception of the chosen, Dallas Jenkins and friends pushing Richard Rohr and comtemplative mysticim . here is the link if its allowed