Letter to the Editor: Only a Fool Would Think Christian Yoga is Bad

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I wanted to send a quick email to touch on your comment that Yoga can not be Christian. Yoga I get originated with Hinduism, however, can and will be transformed to whoever practices it. God is in us, all of us, if you accept it or not. God created us and our bodies are a temple in which he resides. Yoga has brought me so much closer to him and has confirmed my faith in him. Jesus is still the light of my life and the relationship that I have built with him meditating on his word and listening to my breath is amazing. Only a fool would think the practice of Yoga is simply dedicated to one “religion.” The human body is meant to worship our God. Yoga has assisted me with slowing down in this fast past life and actually hearing God.

I will pray for you!

Thank you for your time.


OUR COMMENTS: We hope you will take the time to research this issue of “Christian Yoga” out more fully. Please read “A Former New Age Follower Talks About ‘Christian Yoga’” by Caryl Matrisciana, an India-raised former New Age follower and Chris Lawson’s booklet/article titled “Yoga and Christianity: Are They Compatible?” They both present evidence that shows Yoga cannot be converted into a safe Christian version.