1. Brian J. Kern

    I attended Grace Seminary from 1984-1987 and enjoyed solid, biblical training that prepared me for a calling to both pastoral ministry and the opportunity to serve as a biblical counselor for the past 35 years. When I took my youngest daughter for a tour and interview there in 2012 I was shocked at how much the school had changed, both in focus and curriculum. The seminary enrollment had decreased considerably and the term spiritual formation was used both by staff and in the promotional materials. We made the decision for my daughter to not attend Grace even though her grandmother lived nearby and would have helped her with room and board. I am particularly sad that my alma mater I had fallen into the contemplative/emergent trap and have departed from their fundamental/ conservative roots.

  2. Erlend

    Reply LT

    Yes, I have not read “Prayer”, and I can not say anything in particular to it´s defence. And I don´t know the connection to Foster. In any case it is unfortunate.

    Here in Norway the contemplative and ecumenical movement has made it´s way into most denominations and seminars. This summer the largest Lutheran organization joined in on “The Send” Oslo. I asked its leaders how they could cooperate with false teachers. They replied that there were good reasons not to participate, but that evangelizing the lost was too important to withdraw from the event, even if this meant sharing the stage with a professing catholic.

    It is very strange. Been going on for the last decades, and really amping up now the last 15-20years.

  3. Thank you for your comments Erlend. O. Hallesby wrote the original edition of that book before Richard Foster was even born. Sad thing here on two counts: one that Foster’s writing the foreword for this 1994 edition (30+ years after Hallesby died) ruins this edition and points people to the main contemplative pioneer today; and two that the school chose to use a book which Foster had a part in. There seems little doubt that they chose it because it did have Foster’s name on it. The publisher for this edition is Augsburg Fortress Press (now called 1517 Media), which parent company is the very emergent/progressive ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Free Church).

  4. Erlend Torp

    On Hallesby, he is a Lutheran. In 1953 he preached on official Norwegian national broadcast. He preached about hell, and warned the listener not to put off coming to Jesus. No mentioning of works, and no words about baptism. He basically said there is nothing left to do other than trust in Christ. He went out of his way to explain the listeners how we are incapable of saving ourselves, and stressed the importance of trusting in Christ.

    He was labeled a fool and a bigot for it, for the rest of his life. Even by some inside the church.

  5. JDV

    Also regarding Greear:


    “Dr. Greear supports the idea that some sin in the Bible should be shouted about and others whispered about. His message was the sin of homosexuality should be whispered about. Dr. Greear is silent on the sexual perversion of the Amorites, Leviticus 18, and Sodom, Genesis 19 and God’s total destruction of these cultures because of sexual perversion.“

    “Dr. Greear states homosexuals say they were born that way, and he says “I don’t dispute that.””

    The transcript link at the Lighthouse page there’s no longer found, so here’s the web archive:


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