Letter to the Editor: Pastor Stopped Purpose Driven/Emergent Teachings After Learning of the Errors

Dear Lighthouse Trails:

Concerning the last article here, by Steve Muse, I want to share a word of encouragement to him and to you!  After learning in the past year of the attacks on the people of God, the church, from reading at Lighthouse Trails website, God led me to share with my three pastors . . . Senior, and two young assistants . . . the information I learned from you.  In the past few months, they have stopped the “Emergent, Rick Warren, and all of the other false teachings, and are once again preaching and teaching the Word of God!!  And guess what?!  Souls are being saved so wonderfully that it is almost too much to take in . . . the change is so dramatic that all I can do is praise our Wonderful Lord as I stand in awe at His marvelous Grace!! 

The one other area of concern, and yes, even suffering for some of us, is the “music.” Instead of the lovely organ and piano, and sometimes violin music, along with the old hymns of the church, we have a rock-style band on the “stage” leading us in choruses that have no tune, and most of which never even mention the Name which is above all names!!  The songs contain the words Lord and God, but never Jesus!!  There is no way for, especially a babe or an unbeliever, to know who this God is or anything about Him. If they don’t know Jesus, they will never truly know God!!

Thank you for your ministry!!  God has used it to help me to be the “watchman” of whom brother Muse wrote in his article.  I am so grateful to Him, and to you!

In His Love,

LTRP Note to readers: Please read Larry DeBruyn’s article, “The Music and the Mystical”