Letter to the Editor: Revisiting The Shack

LTRP Note: We received the following letter this week and have decided to post it because The Shack, which has sold over 10 million copies and has been on the New York Times Best Seller list for over 170 weeks, is still a huge seller within the Christian marketplace and because we believe the message in The Shack is contrary to the Gospel message found in the Bible.

To Lighthouse Trails:

I thank the Lord for your ministry!  As a former Roman Catholic, I am now aware of the false teachings of that denomination…. but now I seem to be bombarded with born – again believers who have never been involved in my old denomination and yet they are seeking the experiences similar to “Catholic Saints” like St. Teresa…. How can this be when they have the Holy Spirit in them!

I am concerned about people embracing teachings like Kruger Baxter…. he is applauding the book The Shack  and has written a soon to be released book titled The Shack Revisited.

I know the basic Truth that Jesus died for the entire world… so even the Muslims, Hindus, etc. can be saved IF they accept Jesus and His Finished Work.

I read recently that The Shack, states that Jesus is the BEST Way to salvation.  I have no desire to purchase the book and read for myself (maybe I should)… but does it actually say that He is the best way?  I know that He is the ONLY Way…. if the book indeed makes the statement of Jesus being the best way, that would be enough of a statement for me to “argue” the validity of the book.

I hope you can help…. others are waiting for my response….


Our reply:

Dear D_______,

Over the last few years since the release of The Shack, Lighthouse Trails has posted several articles, which discuss The Shack. These articles have exposed that the underlying message in The Shack is panentheistic (God in all), a belief that is contrary to the Word of God because God is not IN all things and all people. If that were the case, then there would be no need for a Savior who could redeem sinful man. Below are some of the most important articles we have. You will find some excellent information, which you can share with your friends and family. Also if you get a chance to read Warren B. Smith’s book, A “Wonderful” Deception, he focuses on The Shack in 3 chapters.

Editors at Lighthouse Trails

Fractals, Chaos Theory, Quantum Spirituality, and The Shack  by Warren B. Smith

Quantum Physics, The Shack, and the New Spirituality by Larry DeBruyn

The twisted “truths” of The Shack & A Course in Miracles by Berit Kjos

The Shack and Its New Age Leaven – God IN Everything?  by Warren B. Smith

New Age Similarities, Popularity Continues, and Calvary Chapel Gives Official Statement

The Shack Author Rejects Biblical Substitutionary Atonement by John Lanagan

The Shack: Father-goddess Rising  by John Lanagan

Thomas Merton and The Shack