Letter to the Editor: Rick Warren, the Road to Rome, and More Trouble at Biola University

To Lighthouse Trails:

I just got the latest Biola Magazine in the mail today. Did you hear about Rick Warren and his wife being given honorary doctorates at the same time at Biola’s last graduation ceremony?

I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts about that topic. Maybe you could post an article on this. I graduated from Biola, and I remember when Rick Warren spoke at a friends graduation, a semester before I graduated. I am the guy who told you about the mystical stuff Biola does and how Biola’s media department claimed they were going to sue you back around 2008-09. 

There was also recently some big discussion at Biola about the death of Protestantism between one guy who says Protestantism should be done away with and mixed with Catholicism. The other guy was an evangelical low church guy, and the third was a protestant guy. It was a discussion about whether or not we need to be separated from the Church of Rome or not basically. In my opinion this is not a discussion any Christian needs to have, as it is obvious Catholicism is false. Now if this was a debate I could understand having this, but it seemed more like a discussion to be positive about it. I feel such discussion allow liberalism/ecumenicism to seep through cracks when there is not a major stance taken on the biblical issue.

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