Letter to the Editor: Rick Warren’s Past and Present Troubling Connections

photo: a page from the 2008 Time Magazine article

Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace. (Ezekiel 13:10)

Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none. (Ezekiel 7:25)

And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries. (2 Chronicles 15:5)

LTRP Note: For many years, Lighthouse Trails and a number of its authors have issued strong concerns and warnings about Rick Warren’s ecumenical, New-Age infiltrated Purpose-Driven movement and his global P.E.A.C.E. Plan that have influenced over two hundred thousand churches and pastors throughout the world. His Purpose Driven Church and Purpose Driven Life books are riddled with unbiblical innuendos, promotions, quotes, ideologies, and misconstrued use of Scripture. Coupled with that are his associations and close interactions and dealings (which have been guilt by proxy, not merely guilt by association) that have brought confusion, misguidance, and so much twisting of truth to the church (which is so often prone to falling prey to deception as the apostle Paul warned would happen after his departure).

The following short letter to the editor and documentation is yet another example of the lack of discernment and biblical judgment by this man who has significantly altered the face of today’s Christianity. (Below the letter, please also refer to a number of Lighthouse Trails related links, and if you have never read A “Wonderful” Deception by Warren B. Smith, we recommend it.)

Dear Lighthouse Trails:

I used to warn from the roof tops about Rick Warren being a Marxist infiltrator after he admitted to Time Magazine in August 2008 to having led a courtroom march for the radical Marxist SDS from the 60s. He also sat on the board of  Fabian socialist Tony Blair’s interfaith foundation and is still listed as a registered member of the CFR (Council for Foreign Relations.

Most recently, he’s been exposed for sitting on the board of the Covid Collaborative. If you go to the main page of the Covid Collaborative website, you can see the propaganda videos from the Pope as well as the former presidents. And then another disturbing video (see below) where Rick Warren admits to another troubling connection.

Also see: https://www.covidcollaborative.us/

Sincerely, R.A.

Related Information:

  1. Lighthouse Trails resources on exposing the Purpose Driven movement
  2. Eye-Witness Account: Global Peace Forum at Saddleback with Rick Warren and Tony Blair Raises Serious Questions About Global Peace Plan
  3. Radio interview with former New Age follower on the Purpose Driven movement (with Ingrid Schlueter)
  4. Rick Warren’s Dangerous Ecumenical Pathway to Rome And How One Interview Revealed So Much
  5. “A Life With Purpose” – A Glimpse at the Past to Better Understand the Present
  6. Letter to the Editor: Rick Warren to Co-Preach Keynote Address at Pope’s U.S.A. Visit in September
  7. Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan – The New Age/Eastern Meditation Doctors Behind the Saddleback Health
  8. Christian Leaders—A New Openness . . . to the Catholic Church

This is just a small portion of the material Lighthouse Trails provides on this issue.

6 thoughts on “Letter to the Editor: Rick Warren’s Past and Present Troubling Connections

  1. Too many Christians, ” can’t handle the truth”. For them, boldly defending the faith, always equates to being judgmental and destructive. I suspect they would have scolded Paul for his many judgmental statements. Our emotions can’t be our final guide in determining truth.
    They would do well to be ever diligent to, “see to it that no one lead you astray “.
    The great delusion/apostasy isn’t some irrelevant distant future event.
    There is nothing loving about letting people be deceived by false teachers.

  2. I visited a church recently in Melbourne Australia which distributes Rick Warren books and has similarities in practice and beliefs. It’s called Evangelical Christian Church McKinnon. Thank you LTRP for many years of help. Posted 2022

  3. I did not grow up southern Baptist but in a small church that believed we are ALL sinners saved by God’s Grace. Reading of this controversy is unbelievable. Everyone is an expert on exactly what God means and and only their view can be right. And they are way too good to minister to those they consider sinners. Seems to me that defeats the purpose of sharing the Plan of Salvation. Something tells me God is probably heartbroken at the attitude of many who call themselves Christians….yes, even Southern Baptist Christians.

  4. Carl Teichrib presents a great deal of evidence in his book, Game of Gods, on how the “faith sector” was already on board probably over a hundred years ago, and was being harnessed by the powers that be to be part the one world government/religion endeavour. So Rick Warren, in our time, is now become their darling to finally bring this all to fruition.

  5. This man has always been and still is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I never knew he was involved in the Davos meetings of the elite. He was talking about eradication of “pandemic diseases” in 2008! When he first came out with his Purpose Driven apostasy, first the PD Church, the PD Life, I knew this was all heresy and apostasy, and one discernment ministry was very gracious to Rick Warren at the time and actually called him “a brother in Christ” not wanting to judge his heart. I thought that certainly we cannot do that as believers, but we must be able to discern the Body of Christ! How we need discernment continually in these treacherous times!

  6. But what can you expect from a man who stands on gay marriage, applauding homos who come out of the closet, and the sexually deviant who attend his so-called church?

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