Dear Lighthouse Trails:
Justice Scalia called the Supreme Court’s decision last Friday [on same-sex marriage] a “judicial Putsch.”1 Webster’s Dictionary defines “Putsch” as being “a secretly plotted and suddenly executed attempt to overthrow a government.”
Last Friday, five Supreme Court justices overthrew our government. The executive branch celebrated with rainbow colored lights on the White House, and Congress did nothing to protest. (Congress has the power to over-ride Supreme Court decisions.) And the “fourth estate” (the press) did nothing to protest, apart from some of the alternative media.
The executive and legislative branch of our government allowed five justices to trump their Constitutional authority. It literally was a coup. The Constitution is now dead. America as we have known it is now gone. It was a bloodless coup, but it was a coup nevertheless.We are now officially a dictatorship, run by Obama and his Supreme Court lackeys. Congress has become irrelevant and the Constitution has been shredded.