Letter to the Editor: Texas Christian University’s Labyrinth – School Needs to be Added to Contemplative College List

(TCU 360/Tyler Christensen)

LTRP Note: After receiving this letter to the editor and after doing some of our own research, Lighthouse Trails has placed Texas Christian University on our “Contemplative Colleges List.” To see an example of the “fruit” of contemplative spirituality, check out Texas University’s Interfaith Initiative.

Dear Lighthouse Trails:

I read you recent article on the labyrinth at the college. Sadly, this isn’t the only one. TCU (Texas CHRISTIAN University), just [a few] miles from where I’m sitting, has what amounts to a pagan worship circle that they call “Froghenge” and has in the past spray painted a labyrinth on it. TCU even has a contemplative studies interest group. Plays have performed inside the circle on Halloween.


I wonder if any Bible study leaders or campus Christian organizations warn the students about labyrinths?

Not only TCU, but several churches nearby also have labyrinths, according the the Labyrinth Society map. One is next to the TCU campus.

The largest hospital in the area also has its own labyrinth.


Related Information:

 The Labyrinth Journey: Walking the Path to Fulfillment?

Letter to the Editor: Eastern University to Add Labyrinth With Grant From Calvin Institute

Labyrinths – Popping Up at Lots of Seminaries and Christian Colleges