LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails first wrote about the Salvation Army’s move into the contemplative/emerging camp in July of 2006 in an article titled, “Salvation Army Joins the Contemplative/Emerging Ranks.” Later that year, we reported on Salvation Army’s partnering with Pete Greig’s emergent 24/7 Prayer and Boiler Rooms movement. In 2008, we reported that Salvation Army had linked arms with Rick Warren’s ecumenical PEACE coalition. In 2009, we showed Salvation Army’s connection with the ecumenical G12 Master Plan and in 2010, SA’s involvement with the G8 World Religions Summit. Then in 2019, showing TSA’s prolonged ecumenical propensity, we posted an article titled “World Leader of Salvation Army Meets With Pope Francis/Vatican to Discuss Ecumenical Plans.”
For two decades, Lighthouse Trails has tracked hundreds of Christian organizations and figures, which once beginning on the mystical contemplative path then moved into the interspiritual ecumenical path. That is because the “fruit” of contemplative prayer is interspirituality. And as Carl Teichrib has pointed out in his social justice booklet, the Salvation Army has joined the “Social Justice” ranks as well. And that is because “wokeism” is another contemplative “fruit.” This is something many do not realize.
We have provided this short background explanation so that anyone reading the following letter to the editor will not think that what has happened to the Salvation Army happened “overnight.” As with most deception, it is incremental—one dangerous step at a time, like the frog in hot water.
There may be some reading this who are thinking, “What does it matter what Salvation Army is doing? After all, they do so much work to raise money for the poor.” But when a ministry presents itself as an evangelical organization and solicits support from participants of that camp who give support because they believe they are supporting a spiritually like-minded organization, it is unethical and spiritually deceptive to not be upfront with such supporters regarding their ecumenical unbiblical affinities. The Salvation Army “Mission Statement” reads as follows:
The Salvation Army, an international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination. (source; emphasis added)
Perhaps it’s time The Salvation Army changes its mission statement to reflect more of what is becoming.
Letter to the Editor:
Dear Lighthouse Trails:
You may recall I wrote to you last November about being chucked out of the Salvation Army Sunday meeting because we didn’t have a vaccine passport. They divided the body of Christ.
Recently [August], we got their prayer request list for people seeking prayer. In that weekly list, there was a prayer that was suggested for trouble spots around the world. Here is that prayer:
Note I have added the parts in italics and parentheses.
A Christian Prayer for Peace in Our Time
(Prayer originally found at Jesuit Resources by Rev Fr Dr. Peter John Scagnelli.)
O God, author and giver of peace, in whose image and likeness each of us has been created with a human dignity worthy of respect on earth and destined for eternal glory, listen to the cry that rises from every corner of this fragile earth, from our human family torn by violent conflict:-
Give peace in our time, O good and gracious God,
that peace which, as your son Jesus Christ told us and as we have experienced in these days, is a peace which the world cannot give.
To world leaders grant the wisdom to see beyond the boundaries of race, religion, and nation to that common humanity that makes us all your children and brothers and sisters to one another.
To those who have taken up arms in anger or revenge or even in the cause of justice grant the grace of conversion to the path of peaceful dialogue and constructive collaboration.
To the innocent who live in the shadow of war and terror, especially the frightened children, be a shelter and strength, their haven and hope.
And to those who have already lost their lives as victims of human cruelty and warfare, open wide your arms and enfold them all in the embrace of your compassion, healing, and everlasting life.Grant this through Jesus Christ, your son, our Lord.
(Originally ended with: Mary, Mother of all and Queen of peace, pray for us).
I was very surprised to see the part that says, “And to those who have already lost their lives as victims of human cruelty etc.” Here we are asked to pray for those who have died. I sent an email to the person who put out this list (a Salvation Army soldier and a member of the leadership team). Her reply was that she got it from a church list. She saw nothing wrong with that prayer or in praying for those who have died. I sent her a further email pointing out that the prayer is a Jesuit Roman Catholic prayer and also pointed out that they have another Gospel. Her reply was that she was sorry that I didn’t approve of the prayer.
In the past we have discovered that the Salvation Army is in bed with the Roman Catholics. They use their prayers, teaching material, and Bible-study material as well. However, they never tell the users the source is Catholic—they forget that bit.
These things come as such a shock to us. We have seen the link with the SA and the Catholic Church before especially in Bible studies. There was one study in particular where the leader recommended additional reading. Each item was from a Catholic mystic. We pointed this out to them, all to no avail. However, to start praying to the dead I thought would be against everything the SA would stand for. Obviously not!
This is so sad that an outfit like the Salvation Army will use material like this without even realizing the dangers of another Gospel. Maybe the draw card for the SA is the ecumenical stance that the Catholics push.
Take care; God bless you.
P & J
Related Information:
“Salvation Army Lies, Tries To Cover Up Critical Race Guide” (The Federalist)
(Photo from; used with permission.)
As a fourth Generation Sally it is with sadness that I have to agree with much of the comments posted. I have indeed seen the slow drift away from the solid Biblical foundation that was the basis for the SA. I led a successful charge against the introduction of Rick Warrens books to our church back then….that I could see the obvious false teachings whilst my leaders couldn’t, was probably the start of my questioning where we were headed as a church. There has been much that has had me concerned since. On a brighter note, being born into the SA and “born again” age 17 I can say to those of you who have met confused Sallies who don’t know what born again means, we here in NZ definitely do know! We currently have a great bible preaching leader in our church, The Salvation message is given often and although since covid our numbers are down, they are Genuine believers.
For those that are not familiar with the way the SA works…… Pastors/ministers used to be rotated to new postings every 3-5 years roughly ,(they seem to be longer terms now) hence we have had in the past a few leaders with more ecumenical leanings, thus leading to my above comments.
Final comment… I believe in this age of apostasy the SA has been infiltrated many years back and there are few churches that have escaped, It behooves us who have our eyes open to warn any who will listen, whilst we can. To that end thank you Lighthouse Trails for all you do.
Steve Lawrence
And remember, the SA also has always had women pastors. They have never been biblical.
My mother was a Salvationist she was born again but I don’t think she quite understood it.
Many years ago after my mother’s death I ran into a salvationist on public transit and we had a nice chat. When I asked him when did he get born again, he had confusing and startled look on his face. “What?” It struck me he did not know what being born again meant.
Few years after that help you know to deaf pastor by keeping his office warm while he was on an overseas trip. I got to call from a woman whose daughter and I were once classmates. She asked about getting her grandchild baptized.
I had no idea they were Salvationist so I asked when was she born again, just curious, but she was startled by my question. She did not know what it meant.
Quote from the local paper, “Now, the Salvation Army has announced a partnership with the …. Adventist Church to combine services.
“We are so pleased to serve this beautiful coastal community and to have such a wonderful partner in the … Adventist Church,” said Lt. Colonel Judith Smith.”
Called one of their rehabs. Rather than teaching to seek Christ, and find strength in His Spirit and Word, they blend their Christian teaching with wisom from the Big Book (the A,A, “Bible”).
The gentleman on the phone told me the 12 Steps are “spirituality. ” Yes, except they came from(blank the mind) state of automatic writing.
How can I tell if it’s an attempted hostile takeover… if the shepherd is leading the flock down the tracks to an oncoming train—is their wisdom coming from below to take us down… or from above to take us up
According to the apostle Paul, and the scriptures, they are accursed children. Galatians 1:6-12
Psalm 73:27; 119:21
Jeremiah 17:5
Hosea 4:12