Dear Editors:
We left a moderate Baptist Church in Raleigh because of the emergent teaching. Thank the Lord, a number of families left because once we connected the dots, we left. We were all rather shaken that this extreme theology could be right under our noses and we didn’t recognize it. When I went for counseling to a very conservative pastor in the area, I was told that because we were in a moderate church, that type of heresy could easily be there.
So, we (my husband and I) found a conservative church with their statement of faith reflecting the 5 fundamentals of the faith. We thought we were safe, but we still met with the pastor and his wife to be on the safe side. We discussed our previous experience, gave the minister books and materials from your website, and we were assured he would not tolerate emergent.
An assistant pastor, with the approval of the senior pastor, showed Jeff Bethke’s film and he quoted Pierre de Chardin (what is a Baptist pastor quoting him!). I just assumed he was ignorant and perhaps he was. But I documented the dangers of these two people and gave it to him. No follow-up desired. At this point, I’d be flipping out if I was a pastor reading this information. But, no response to me. Then, a Sunday school teacher was allowed to introduce Bill Hybels and his teaching. Then 1,000 Gifts [by Ann Voskamp] is allowed to be taught to the women. I documented in detail the dangers, the leaven, being brought into the church. I left it with the pastor and his wife. Again, at this point, after reading these articles, I’d be flipping out wanting to know, “What on earth!”
Then a familiar call comes to our home (remember, this is our second church dealing with this) from the pastor basically telling me to stop it. Asking the pastor if he had a problem with 1,000 Gifts, he said 90% was solid and 10% questionable. I replied that since when do we as Christians put percentages on allowable heresy. I said, “I don’t mind if this book is taught as long as you also use this as a teaching time to warn about emergent and panentheism and all of its authors she references.” Deaf ears. Then I find out the Bible study leader for the women loves Jesus Calling and 1,000 Gifts. Where is the discernment? The pastors are not guarding their flock. We are sick at heart. This pastor said he reviewed Lighthouse Trails and had problems with you all.
So, we leave. Go to another very conservative church and the pastor from the pulpit encourages everyone to attend the David Jeremiah meeting here and references in a positive way Blackaby’s writings. I know this dear man of God is clueless, well, I hope so (meaning he is not doing this because he wants to promote emergent).
Thank you for all of your documented research and as Frances Schaefer warns, loving the way you treat your subject matter. Sincerely, ________
PS: Just finished reading The Great Evangelical Disaster by Frances Schaeffer. How amazing accurate to 2012.