Dear Lighthouse Trails:
The recent news about World Vision’s decision to see homosexual marriage as a norm and in combination with a recent concert at my church where the lead singer [Big Daddy Weave] spoke for at least 15 minutes soliciting support for World Vision – while they were there to help raise support for Celebrate Recovery in Nicaragua [another organization I question] and the fact I support KLOVE radio who partners with World Vision and they are very much silent on this recent news it was very easy for me to drop support to them as soon as I saw your post about the Bryce Home ministry. What timing! I dropped my support to KLOVE and transferred it to Bryce Homes. I even increased it. I am a widow and on a limited income but I am happy to support this truly God honoring and faithful ministry doing such a beautifully practical thing. A shower and a latrine – something I take for granted every day of my 63 years.
Thank you Lighthouse Trails for your work and this timely – at least it was to me timely – message just when I needed to make a decision and place my money elsewhere.
Your in Christ,
LTRP Note to our readers: While we did not plan the timing of Roger Oakland’s mission trip to the Bryce Homes in Kenya with World Vision’s announcement that they will now employ homosexual “married” couples in their organization, we must agree with our reader above that the timing between the two is noteworthy. Whether it is the Bryce Home Program or another Bible-believing ministry, we hope you will take seriously where you send your missions money. World Vision has been going down the emerging trail for quite some time as are many other evangelical/Protestant organizations.
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