Letters to the Editor on Camping, Deception, etc.

After sending out our newsletter this week, we received some responses and thought we would share three of them with our readers. We strive at Lighthouse Trails to present information in a biblical and trustworthy manner. While we receive many encouraging and grateful emails from around the world, we also hear from those who think we have erroneously written or reported on particular topics. We certainly cannot please all men and do not strive to do so, but we do seek to present information that is helpful and useful to the body of Christ and that will not bring any dishonor to the name of the Lord.

To Lighthouse Trails: 

Thank you for your ministry.  You have been a real help to me. . . . I was particularly helped by your information about Lee Stroebel and Biola.  I attended an ‘Intelligent Design’ forum at Biola last spring, and didn’t know much about the school.

I want to express my disappointment with your inclusion of Steve Blackwell’s comments.  To say that at least Mr. Camping is not as bad as the ’emergents’, is (in my opinion) like saying ‘at least the False Prophet is not as bad as Satan.’  The outcome of all their activities are horrendous, tragic, and damnable. You have not promoted ‘discernment’ by presenting this ‘lame’ comparison.  Are you so obsessed with the ’emerging’ issue that you cannot address Camping’s behavior without reference to ’emerging’?  This is a tragedy of immense proportions, and deserves a ‘headline’ of its own in your newsletter (probably the first headline).

Mr. Camping has served the devil in a profound way.  He has held God’s prophetic warnings up to public ridicule in the last days, causing the hearts and minds of many to shut down regarding any further warning about the second coming and God’s judgment.  Truth be told, given the fact that Mr. Camping represents the ‘old time’ religion, he has probably driven thousands more into the ’emerging church’.

Mr. Camping’s actions should be eliciting tears from all those who love the truth, not cartoonish pictures of people with elongated noses.  I am sorry if you perceive this as too strong, but I believe that Mr. Camping has destroyed a great many souls, many of whom are young people, who have been caught up in his false hysteria during recent days.

I don’t think any of us can fully appreciate, this side of the judgment, just how much blood Mr. Camping will have upon his hands when he stands before God. I do not appreciate any action, no matter how innocently undertaken, that minimizes what he has done.  (“Who is made to stumble, and I do not burn with indignation?” 2 Cor 11:29).

Please don’t be offended.  The blows of a friend are more faithful than the kisses of an enemy (Proverbs), and I am your friend.



I find it very interesting that Roger Oakland would write articles about the modern day church being deceived by various preachers and evangelists, naming a few of them. What is interesting is that he did not name the two biggest leaders of the largest of those organizations, namely, Billy and Franklin Graham. Am I to follow what is in my heart and begin to doubt the veracity of Roger Oakland and The Lighthouse Trails? Obviously, the Bible is correct………”Satan is the master of deceit.” BW

To Lighthouse Trails:

I attend a Christian Church [the denomination].  Two years ago the speaker at the Pastors’ Conference was Rob Bell.  I was very concerned about the direction the denomination was going as I checked up on Rob Bell’s doctrine, or lack of doctrine.  Our pastor showed a long series of NOOMA DVD’s in Sunday School before I discovered all the controversy about Bell.  The speaker at the next Pastors’ Conference was Terry O’Casey from LaPine, Oregon. . . . . a disciple of Leonard Sweet!  I wrote a letter to The Christian Standard (the Christian Church magazine) a couple of months ago expressing my concern for the denomination becoming a bastion of itching ears.  Evidently other concerns have been raised, as this month’s issue is dedicated to the doctrine of Hell . . . even naming Rob Bell.  I am thankful for the conservative watchdogs still at their post at the Christian Standard and in this old denomination.  See below: http://christianstandard.com/

