1st tim 4-1, gal1-6-8, matthew 7-15, he was false another wolf compromiser destorting the biblical gospel
    with all the false religions of the world, rev 22 very alarming words from almighty GOD, HE PREACHED ANOTHER JESUS ANOTHER GOSPEL .2ND COR 11-4.

  2. GJ

    From what I was thinking last week…

    The Holy Spirit does not speak on His own… going “out of bounds” from God’s Word. He acts on God’s Word… teaching what God speaks written down for us in the Bible… what the Prophets of the Old Testament testified to, and the Apostles of the New Testament confirmed.

    The temptation of distorted bias is removed because it’s… written down. Is it God does… or “you do you”… that’s the final word?

  3. RL

    We should always remember to pray for all those being deceived and misled by all the false teachers today and in the past. Pray the Lord will open both their eyes and ears to the truth and lead them from the lies and deceptions and to Him for Truth and Salvation. We must remember 1 Peter 5:8. Thank you for this informative article.

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