LTRP Note: The following letter to the editor is addressing very legitimate and documented concerns about Life Church, one of the largest evangelical churches in America with over three dozen locations throughout the country and an influential global outreach. Lighthouse Trails considers Life Church’s lead pastor, Craig Groeschel, a “bridger”* (a pastor or other evangelical leader who bridges the gap between Christianity and New Age/New Spirituality by promoting aspects and practices of the New Age though outwardly holding to orthodox Christianity).
Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I have been a reader of your newsletter and purchased many of your booklets and books in the last few years. I have educated myself to know what is in line with the Bible and what error is being presented.
I attend Life Church with Pastor Craig Groeshcel. I have loved my church and the YouVersion Bible app for years. Life Church is the creator of the YouVersion Bible app, which was created in 2008. But in the last couple of years, I have seen error creep into both my church and the app. My intention in writing you is to expose the contemplative prayer devotionals that are being promoted by the app which has 750 million downloads as of 11/2023 and is being promoted heavily by Life.church.
I first became aware of what was being promoted when my Life Group Leader at Church online was promoting “Practicing The Way,” an 8-week course that promised help in connecting on an intimate level with Jesus. The author was John Mark Comer, a big proponent of Contemplative Prayer.
I began a journey to see what else was on the YouVersion platform. I found the Catholic Catechism, Brother Lawrence’s Practice the Presence of God, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, and a host of others who don’t belong on a Christian site. I found a devotional YouVersion on Lectio Divina. There was even one titled, “Nearer Than We Imagine: Meditations on Practicing the Presence of God.” I also found a devotional titled “Desert Father/ Poemen the Great. The Bible Project has lots of videos as well. Another devotional on YouVersion is taken from The Chosen TV series. The Passion “Bible” & the Message “Bible” are listed as choices that anyone can make to read with their devotionals.
I began researching Life Church a couple of years ago when some of the guest speakers were from the Word of Faith camp. The likes of Steven Furtick and Mike Todd (pastor of Transformational Church) were given the pulpit. I have loved my church and the good I thought it was doing. But my pastor came out of a very liberal denomination and went to a very liberal seminary. What could I expect? I wrote the staff who are responsible for the content and authors of the YouVersion Bible app. They just said that the YouVersion Bible app was downloaded around the world in many different cultures and they looked at devotionals with “A broad Christian lens.” Probably means as long as they are called Christian, then it’s OK.
I looked up the YouVersion Bible app on your site and didn’t see anything on it. Not much on Life.church or our pastor either. Maybe it’s time to put some focus on this widely downloaded app for its devotional heresies and false teachers.
Sincerely yours,
P.S. You can do searches on contemplative prayer, meditation, and various writers. It’s awash in heresy! Below are some specific YouVersion invitation links that are further examples of my concerns from YouVersion Bible app:

- “Join me in reading Even Silence Is Praise”:

2. “Join me in reading The Ruthless Elimination Of Hurry”:

3. “Join me in reading The Divine Dance”:
4. Join me in reading Practicing the Way:
https://www.bible.com/en/reading-plans/42239 (with John Mark Comer)

5. “Join me in reading Nearer Than We Imagine: Meditations on Practicing the Presence of God”:

6. “Join me in reading Intro To The Lectio Divina”:

7. Join me in reading Christian Mindfulness:
I have saved some reviews of Life.church https://onwardinthefaith.com/life-church-a-discussion-and-warning-about-this-growing-church/.
*The term “bridger” was coined by former VCY America radio host, Ingrid Schleuter about 15 years ago.
The Salvation Internationally has accepted this App too. Utterly tragic
Thank you for sharing that Patti.
If you go to the App Store on your iPhone and try to find the YouVersion Bible app, it isn’t going to be called YouVersion, but instead Bible app. It’s being disguised as Bible app.
You will know that it is the YouVersion because it will show created by Life.church and has been reviewed by 11 million.
Wow. Thank you for sharing this very important information. The true Church greatly needs discernment and love for the truth such as you have shown.