Lighthouse Trails 2013 Year in Review—PART 3 – Homosexuality Takes World By Storm – Top 10 Stories in 2013

If 2013 will be remembered for one particular societal change, it is that the acceptance of homosexuality took the world by storm. Although it has been rising in prominence for many years, 2013 saw unprecedented changes. From people being sued and even going to jail for standing up for their convictions that practicing homosexuality is wrong to evangelical denominations openly accepting the practice and organizations like the Boy Scouts reversing their opposition, the world has experienced a paradigm shift. Below our Top 10 Stories in 2013 for coverage on the homosexual issue. Note: Lighthouse Trails is particularly grateful for the reporting done on this issue by Christian News Network. Their research has been accurate, their manner biblical, and their courage to speak the truth commendable.

1) Boy Scouts Vote to Allow Openly Practicing Homosexual Members (USA Today)Zemanta Related Posts Thumbnail
2) Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Elects First Openly Homosexual Bishop  (Associated Press)
3) Co-Ed Bathroom Bill Passes Education Committee  (Christian Newswire)
4) Ex-Homosexual  (Exodus International) Ministry Closes Following Apology for Judging “Who’s Worthy of His Kingdom (Christian News Network)
5) U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Defense of Marriage Act, Upholds Homosexual ‘Marriage’  (Christian News Network)
6) Queen Approves Same-Sex Marriage Bill in England, Wales  (Religious News Service)
7) Canadian Supreme Court Rules Biblical Speech Opposing Homosexual Behavior is a “Hate Crime” (Christian News Network)
8) Pastor Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Aiding in the Protection of Former Lesbian Lisa Miller and Daughter Isabella  (Logan Daily)
9) At evangelical colleges, a shifting attitude toward gay students  (CNN)
10) The Implications of Pope Francis Recent Remarks about Homosexuality and Abortion  (Christian News Network)