See Part 1 of Year in Review: Top 10 Letters to the Editor.
See Part 2 of Year in Review: Top 10 Out-of-House News Stories.
See Part 3 of Year in Review: Top 10 Articles by LT Authors
The following is the fourth part of the Lighthouse Trails Year in Review. Our 5-part Year in Review series is especially helpful for those who have missed some of our year’s reporting or perhaps forgotten about some of these important articles. The following 5 articles are from out-of-house guest writers in order of when posted (earliest first).
1)“Middle School: Ground Zero for Indoctrinating America’s Children” By Linda Harvey
Did you know that math supports capitalist and imperialist views, and that teachers need to deconstruct its inherent racism? This “woke” message from the Oregon Department of Education to the state’s educators is just the latest example of radical instruction in American schools. And some of the worst is found in middle schools. Middle school is described by many parents as a gauntlet of twisted, dangerous indoctrination emanating from activist teachers, administrators and school counselors drawn to the 6th to 8th grade age cohort. Why? Because the pubescent child is the ideal subject for ideological manipulation. Read more.
2)Political Prisoner, Lisa Miller: Letter From Prison By Lisa Miller
Greetings from the 3rd day at Niagara Correctional Center in Buffalo, NY (NCCF) in the name of the Savior who is above all names. At 10:55 p.m., 5 minutes before lights out, on Wednesday February 24, 2021, a guard tapped on the tall skinny window of my locked from the outside door to tell me that at 4:30 a.m. the US Marshals would pick me up for transport and that I should pack all my personal property. He then told me to get some sleep. All I’ll say is that packing in the dark should be considered an art! Read more.
3)”A Parent’s Summary of the Spread of Critical Race Theory At Gordon College” By Manny Silva
In late August of 2020, just before classes started, a racially charged incident occurred, although the actual perpetrator to this day has not been found. During the course of the semester, two more incidents occurred, but no one was ever found to be responsible.
The first incident: A black student leader had used tape in a dorm hallway to spell out BLM.” Later that morning, it was discovered that it was changed to say “ALM” (for all lives matter apparently). The very next day, Saturday, about 100 students marched to the President’s personal residence to protest. All this triggered a host of other activities, such as BLM signs posted all over the campus, as well as student sit-ins and protests, with demands for justice for people of color. Read more.
4) Francis Chan’s Dangerous Path to “Unity” and a Eucharistic Christ By L. Sharp
Francis Chan released his new book in April 2021 titled Until Unity. Why does this matter? Sadly, there is growing evidence that Chan has slowly turned away from the Bible as the source of truth and doctrine to church tradition, the opinions of men, and experiences to reformulate his theology. Read more.
5) Behind the Scenes: YouTube Video Examines The Chosen
This week, a Lighthouse Trails reader contacted us and sent us a link to a YouTube video that discusses Dallas Jenkins’ film series, The Chosen. While we realize that many Christians are watching the series and find it valuable and meaningful, we encourage believers to use discernment and biblical truth in all matters. To view the YouTube video, click here.
(photo from; used with permission)