Lighthouse Trails is 22 years old! It was March of 2002 when Lighthouse Trails officially began. Six months later, we published our first book, A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen. While there have been many challenges and obstacles in carrying on, we remain grateful to the many readers who have shared our desire to contend for the faith and defend the Gospel in increasingly perilous times.
As a small way to say thank you to all who have allowed Lighthouse Trails to be a part of your lives, churches, and ministries, every year during this time, we offer our readers an “Anniversary Sale” of all our resources. This year we are offering a 20%-off store-wide sale for 3 days (until Thursday, March 21st at 8 am).
We hope you will enjoy this Store-Wide Sale. (ENTER STORE) Use the code 22-LT at checkout, and you will get 20% off your entire order on all our products. It’s also a great time for our international readers to place orders as the discount helps offset international shipping costs. And remember, we have many already-on-sale and discounted items, which means you will get those savings as well as the 20% off!
Thank you, and God bless you.
From the Editors at Lighthouse Trails
P.S. ORDER BY MAIL? If you prefer to place your order by mail, postmark it by March 21, 2024 and indicate the sale code in your order. You may print an order form here.
Click here to enter the store.
Some of our Categories of Resources: