1. John S. Torell

    I am Peter Thorell’s brother John, and some time ago he gave me your biography, Laughter Calls Me, to read. It was very interesting, since I have been ministering to people during the same time period that you went through your problems. I wish that you would do a follow up and letting us know how the children are doing now and how your health is. When it comes to citing secular sources from time to time, I agree with you 100%.

  2. Lilli

    Thank you so much for your so important work! I am following your work from Sweden and Im so grateful. May Jesus bless and protect you!

  3. JDV

    This does provide more clarity as to the position and rationale of the research ministry related to these postings, especially with the acknowledgment of those involved with the Epoch Times, as it seemed unclear whether that was known previously. If there’s one thing that is clear in the information age, is that not everybody knows who’s connected with what and how. Maybe a link to this blog post could accompany stories from places that understandably might raise eyebrows without sufficient context.

  4. Verne

    You are correct in posting from secular sources and in particular “Epoch Times”. The articles have multiple verifications – not echo chambers – from multiple sources and should be evaluated on content, not necessarily on website of ‘origin’. You are going to find bias EVERYWHERE on the interwebs, and discernment is necessary, especially as we approach the return of Jesus for His church.

    Former President Reagan said it well, though under a different context -“Trust but verify”.

  5. GJ

    Thanks for posting about the issue of Eugene Peterson. It sparked me writing, and yes, I referenced articles about secular issues that discussed the trend of… “Good Deeds” of Death. Are the articles completely accurate? I don’t know, as you say, naturally there’s a “tilt”… but the trend is obvious and they give testimony towards. The secular is just an idicator of where we’re at… and we use it to understand where we’re going… to warn others to choose wisely… to have a bias for Life, and not Death.

  6. Roger

    Yes, we are ‘in the World but not of the World’..
    Yes, we need discernment..
    Yes, we are created with the ability to reason..

    I also believe we are to be ‘Berean like’ both:- in searching Scripture for confirmation of truth, and – for checking the source and content of what we read and hear from the world. We are not to believe rumour, hearsay or ‘urban myth’. We are not to follow false teaching and teachers – whether Christian or secular

    Time and again I read here (and hear and see elsewhere) of those who have been helped by your ministry – as I have too.

    Please be encouraged – please continue as you have been, and are.

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