Lighthouse Trails Sends Out 8th Booklet Mailing to Christian Leaders and Pastors

Christian leadersAs many of you know, Lighthouse Trails has been mailing out booklets (1 or 2 at a time) since 2016 to a list of Christian leaders and pastors. We mail them out three times a year. This week, we are sending out our 8th mailing. Many of you have submitted the names of addresses of ministry leaders and pastors whom you want on the list. We have added those accordingly. Our current list is 178 names. Some of the names that get on the list are removed when addresses given to us are incorrect or the leader or pastor asks us to remove his or her name (such as in Chuck Swindoll’s case). The following is the letter we are including in this week’s mailing:

Dear Christian Leader:

Lighthouse Trails has been sending out topical booklets we publish to Christian leaders and pastors for the last two and a half years. If you are a pastor and are receiving these booklets, someone has asked us to add you to our mailing list. We hope you will find the material helpful.

In this mailing, we are sending you two booklets: First, a booklet titled Mindfulness: What You May Not Know and Should Have Been Told. This is a topic that is now affecting most communities and many churches throughout our country. The second booklet is Lectio Divina: What It Is, What It Is Not, and Should Christians Practice It? Lectio Divina is becoming increasingly popular in evangelical Christianity; thus, it’s a good idea to understand exactly what it is as there are some serious ramifications.

We hope you will read and prayerfully consider the content of each of these booklets. We send them in an attitude of concern and a devotion to truth.

Sincerely in Christ,

The Editors at
Lighthouse Trails Publishing, Inc.

If you would like us to add the name of a ministry leader or pastor to this list, please send the name and a working mailing address to The address must be a church or ministry address, not a home address. These addresses will be kept confidential. To see the current list of names, click here.


6 thoughts on “Lighthouse Trails Sends Out 8th Booklet Mailing to Christian Leaders and Pastors

  1. I would like to add my pastor to the list for receiving your booklets. Pastor Joe Parsons 5959 Twp Road 501 Big Prairie, Ohio 44611 Thank you!

  2. LHT is a watchman on wall. They are standing in the gap. They are boldly defending the faith. However, just as you can lead a horse to water but cannot make him drink, you can send pastors the truth but you cannot make them think. Am I to harsh on pastors, perhaps. That is nothing compared to the day they will be called to account by God.

  3. We pray this 8th Booklet sent out by Lighthouse Trails will be read by Christian Leaders, Pastors and Born Again Christians everywhere. The first Booklet on Mindfulness should be read by every parent in the world. The side effects of Meditation is so dangerous. It is correct to say some meditation is like playing Russian Roulette with peoples lives. The second Booklet on the practice of reading scripture. It explains clearly how Eastern Mystics have attempted to replace Bible study and praying. So called Catholic Mystics are turning people to a Mystical Delusion. In the Garden of Eden the Serpent told Eve, Hath God SAID? Every tree not eat? You will surely not die. Eve saw the fruit was good for food, nice to look at and will make me wise. What could go wrong? Thank you Lighthouse Trails for teaching Gods word. Keep on keeping on.

  4. Yes, I have two more for you: Wendy Hogan Lake Murray Community Church 5777 Lake Murray Blvd, La Mesa, CA 91942 and Donnie Dee President and CEO San Diego Rescue Mission 120 Elm Street, San Diego, CA 92101 Thanks so much!

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