1. Maria

    Could you please add Steve Douglass, president of Cru, and Josh Newell, executive director of Jesus Film Project?

  2. Helen Jordan

    I so love your truths. People need the truth now more than ever. Keep up the good work.

  3. Eileen

    Interesting that Chuck Swindoll has a book out “The Church Awakening – An Urgent Call For Renewal” He seems to address problems, but quotes alot from Eugene Peterson. Some others he praises makes it confusing.

  4. Laurellynne

    Can we purchase these booklets to send out to pastors here in Canada where I live, this is so needed as I know many who allow Lecto Divina and yoga and all sorts of demonic stuff, they have no knowledge of the truth and I would like to give them the opportunity to view some truth. There is not a church within a 1- 1/2 hour drive that we would attend.

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