In 2012, Lighthouse Trails posted the “50 Top Organizations With a Significant Role in Bringing Contemplative Spirituality to the Church.” We are reposting this list for those who may not have seen it then, and we have added 8 “runner ups” to the list (see bottom of post). From 12 years of research at Lighthouse Trails Research Project, we have found these organizations to have had a significant role in bringing contemplative spirituality into the evangelical/Protestant church. If you do not know or understand the implications of this, we urge you to educate yourself as soon as possible.
Note: We have not listed any colleges or seminaries in this list. To see our list of contemplative promoting schools, click here. This list below is in conjunction with our recent list of Christian leaders: 100 Top Contemplative Proponents Evangelical Christians Turn To Today.
2. American Association of Christian Counselors
3. American Bible Society
4. Association for Biblical Higher Learning
5. Association of Theological Schools (ATS)
8. Boundless Webzine (FOF)
10. Center for Action and Contemplation
11. Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL)
12. Christian Missionary Alliance
13. Christianity Today
14. Emergent Village
15. Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
16. Focus on the Family
17. Group Magazine
20. Intervarsity Press
21. Kairos School of Spiritual Formation
22. Conversations Journal
23. Leadership Network
24. Lifeway Resources
25. Mennonite Brethren
26. Mennonite Church, USA
27. Metamorpha
28. National Worship Conference
29. NavPress
31. Presbyterian Church USA
32. Relevant Magazine
33. Renovare
34. Robert E. Webber Institute for Spiritual Studies
35. Saddleback Church
36. Sojourners
37. Spiritual Directors International
38. Teen Mania
39. The Church of the Nazarene
40. The Ooze
41. The Purpose Driven Movement
42. The Upper Room
43. Thomas Nelson Publishers
45. Wesleyan Church
46. Willow Creek Association
47. Worship Leader Magazine
48. Youth Ministry & Spirituality Project
49. Youth Specialties
50. Zondervan
2014 Update: Runner Ups
3. World Vision
5. In Touch Magazine (as of 2018, In Touch Magazine does not appear to be promoting contemplative prayer)
6. Moody Bible Institute/Moody Radio
7. ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International)
8. Assemblies of God
Note: You can get information on any of these organizations using our search engines on both our blog and research site.
If this is not proof of the great falling away, I really don’t know what is then. This is terrible and proof that we are in the end-times.