“London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques”

From Understand the Times

Comment from UTT: Read the following article which describes the demise of Christianity in the UK while at the same time the Islamic religion flourishes. Note the following statement from the article: “Given the current trends, Christianity in England is becoming a relic, while Islam will be the religion of the future.”

“London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques

The creeping Islamization of London is almost complete, with hundreds of official sharia courts operating in the capital, and mosques opening where famous Christian churches have stood for many hundreds of years. “London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together“, according to Maulana Syed Raza Rizvi, one of the Islamic preachers who now lead “Londonistan“, as the journalist Melanie Phillips has called the English capital. No, Rizvi is not a right-wing extremist.
Above all, Londonistan, with its 423 new mosques, is being built on the sad ruins of English Christianity. Many iconic Christian churches in London have been converted into mosques.Read Full Article ….

Related Information:

Chrislam – The Blending Together of Islam & Christianity by Mike Oppenheimer

(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)


1 thought on ““London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques”

  1. Yes, and this is the sad landscape all over Europe after the migrant invasion backed by pope francis. They have stopped going to church either due to falling away or from the churches apostasizing. So they sit empty and this is what fills the void, a false and dangerous religion. Pretty soon there will be only sharia courts left in London. I can’t help but think of all those Bible verses about what happens when God’s people reject Him and turn to rebellious ways and He lets them have their wish and the surrounding nations invade and enslave them and so on. For more information on this, there is a site called Jihad Watch that has daily updates about the islamization of Europe and terrorism, the fruit of this false religion. Another thing, this reminds me of how Constantinople was captured by the islamists and that was a total blood bath and churches were turned into mosques as well. This time democracy and all of Western civilization and Christian influence goes out with a whimper instead of a bang. But there are bangs, and there is and will be more blood. That is unavoidable now. The only important thing remains to live and die loyally for Jesus, that is all that we can control.

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